INFO: deutsche Anleitung gibt es nach der englischen!
Copy autotube.php into your wordpress plugins folder, normally located
in /wp-content/plugins/ -
Login to WordPress as Admin, click on PlugIns in the menue and activate the plugin
Change settings found at Settings -> Autotube when logged in as administrator
[autotube:britney spears|400] -> Searches for Britney Spears Videos and displays a player with 400px width.
[autotube:britney spears|400|off] -> same, but the video will not be autoplayed
[autotube:britney spears|400|on|off] -> same, but autoplay and without sound
This examples only work when you uncheck the option ‘Auto-Display Videos’ – which can be found at Settings->Autotube in the administration menue. If it is checked, videos will be published on EVERY blogpost using the global settings.
Non ci sono recensioni per questo plugin.
Contributi e sviluppo
“AutoTube” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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