The “Book Author Bio” plugin displays the author profile with name, designation, and social media links in 15+ designs.
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Book Author Bio
The “Book Author Bio” plugin displays the author profile, author name, designation, social media contact, etc. Also, Book Author Bio adds a responsive author box. It has 15+ different designs as an Elementor widget for author profiles. The “Book Author Bio” plugin is available for customization with Elementor PageBuilder (It’s free).
Notice:- This time it’s only for the Elementor PageBuilder plugin. We’ll update soon to others.
This plugin can display the author’s bio in one way. That is an Elementor widget. This is an excellent plugin to display the author’s image/profile, name, title, biography, email, website, social links, and more.
Book Author Bio is a simple, unique, effective and powerful plugin to display your author info.
👍 Plugin Features:-
- Easy to install
- Comfort with any WordPress theme
- Totally Responsive Design
- Minimal settings required
- Super Easy, Fast and Unique
- Can be display with widget in a custom page and single post
- Easy and attractive setting panel
- All social network links available
- 15+ preset template design
- Author info can be used from widgets panel
- Social network links and icons customization
- You can use it in individual sections with columns
👍 Author Info Features:-
- Author custom name
- Author custom title
- Custom author image
- Author biography info
- Author email
- Author website
- Author social links
- For individual section with column
- Profile banner in widget
👍 Options in information settings:-
- Choose Style
- Bio header
- Author Details
- Social
- Award
- Best Selling Book
- Author Rating
- Author Description
- Bio Footer
- Style
👍 Options in template settings from Elementor widgets panel:-
- Choose from 15+ available author templates design
- Display option – Custom Post / Custom Page / Both Custom
- The author bio position: Custom
- Show/hide author rating
- Show/hide author description
- Show/hide author video popup
- Show/hide author signature
- Show/hide author button
- Unlimited social icon with links
- Author custom image
- Unlimited author details
👍 Free Features For Life Time
👍 Translation Ready:
- POT file included (/languages/)
- Arabic
- German
- Spanish (Spain)
- Bengali
- Italian
- French (France)
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1. Blogs Column Data
2. Book Author Bio
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1. Meet The Team
2. BWD Creative Buttons
3. BWD Flip Box
4. BWD Services Showcase
5. BWD Masking Effect
6. BWD Promo Box
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Installation is fairly straightforward. Install it from the WordPress plugin repository.
If you don’t know how then:-
Install by upload plugin:-
1. Go to
2. Go to plugins and search Book Author Bio
3. Download This.
4. Go to Dashboard click on Plugins->Add New->Upload Plugin->Choose File->Install Now->Activate.
5. Set the widget from the Elementor Widgets area (Category Name: Book Author Bio).
Require:- Elementor (It’s free).
Install by search plugin:-
1. In your Admin, go to Plugins > Add New
2. Search Book Author Bio
3. Click to install
4. Activate the plugin
5. Set the widget from the Elementor Widgets area (Category Name: Book Author Bio).
Require:- Elementor (It’s free).
Can I display my uploaded profile image?
Yes, you can display your uploaded profile image.
Yes, you can edit your author bio as you wish.
Is it available for shortcode?
No, it’s not available now but we’ll update it soon.
Can I use this with any page builder?
No, right now it’s only available for Elementor (It’s free).
Can I change all content?
Yes, you can change all authored content with colors and more.
How can I get support?
You can get free support either here on the support forums.
Non ci sono recensioni per questo plugin.
Contributi e sviluppo
“Book Author Bio” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- A change since the previous version.
- Another change.