Currently, this contact form will prompt a user for a first name, a last name, an email address, and a comment via a multi-line comments field. It will send an E-mail to your WordPress admin email letting you know the contents of the submission. Allow users to contact you with useful information without having to expose your e-mail address or phone number to the world!
This plugin currently doesn’t utilize JavaScript and utilizes the minimum necessary PHP and SQL, so it functions quickly.
Thank you for downloading. Happy WordPressing.
1) install plugin
2) activate plugin
3) go to an existing WP page or create a new WP page
4) add the shortcode [my_contact_form]
5) publish
- Installation Instructions
1) install plugin
2) activate plugin
3) go to an existing WP page or create a new WP page
4) add the shortcode [my_contact_form]
5) publish
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