Questo plugin è stato chiuso il 1 Febbraio 2021 e non è più disponibile per il download. Motivazione: Problema di sicurezza.
31 Ottobre 2020
Support forum is worthless.
Nobody gets an answer.
With the standard Wordpress theme twentytwenty it works very badly. changes will not be visible on the website. Plugin responds very poorly.
Force CSS function does not work with Wordpress theme twentytwenty.
Regularly the predefined styles come back while I remove them every time.
When you release an update, is it that difficult to check out the support forum and provide answers to the questions asked?
In short, if you want to upgrade your Wordpress version and theme, don’t use this plugin. Costs too much annoyance and frustration.
28 Agosto 2019
This plugin made CF7 styling very easy
22 Febbraio 2019
It changed some styles e.g. checkbox size but not colour. I would have made a request on the support forum but it looks a bit quiet on there
3 Gennaio 2019
I find Contact Form 7 plugin to have a lot of options and a ton of elegant designs and templates.
8 Novembre 2018
2 risposte
I spent about 2 hours on this plugin, going back and forth, looking through settings options over and over, refreshing over and over again, but after all that time, the plugin worked on 1 form but did nothing on the secondary form. I tried selecting other formats, other designs, tried selecting them so they’d show as “active” multiple times and then refreshing, cleaning my cache, on and on and the second fomr just will not take the plugin or changes made within it no matter what. So, ultimately unless there is some bizarre step that isn’t working, it doesn’t look good to have 1 form that looks modern and 1 that does not and can’t be changed. Very discouraging. It’s a great idea for plugin that is much-needed (CF7 is still a great plugin but looks very outdated and basic) and there simply are no other styling plugins for it that seem to work reliably so back to square one trying to find another plugin.I mean it’s nice that 1 form looks current but the second form that cannot be changed kind of throws a monkey wrench into the mix.
I was able to get the plugin to work on two different forms on two separate site pages so that the designs would look the same, but it just took several instances of going back and forth and tweaking and resetting the two different areas of settings that control the layout and look of the form. It works, just requires patience and going back and forth several times and clearing caches and retrying a few times.
12 Aprile 2018
Very easy to use, only a few clicks. The vast majority of the styles in the plug-in are Valentines. The others are essentially monochromatic. If you want valentines or mono style, this is for you
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