Debug MO Translations


It gives you more information about all domains and translated mo files loaded in the actual installation, so you can debug what’s the problem with a plugin, theme, etc.

Only shows the debug info if you’re logged in in the footer.

You’ll have a info of all plugins loaded, textdomain used, if file is found and then the path where is the function of theme or plugin loaded. You can see the screenshots.


Official Repository GitHub




Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.


2 Febbraio 2022 1 risposta
after hours of debugging, this plugin helped me find the problem
28 Gennaio 2021
Thank you, developers! <3 This plugin is a true time-saver. You will see the result of how the plugin works at the bottom of the page of your site.
26 Agosto 2020
If you are logged in, it shows at the bottom of the page the used languages files, found or not found per each plugin. Very usefull
20 Febbraio 2020 1 risposta
I can confirm: 5 minutes for installing, debuggin and removing. It just saved me hours. If you can’t find how it works, take a look at the end of your website’s page to find all the details about i18n.
13 Settembre 2017
very useful as it prints at the bottom all the possible paths that WordPress goes through.
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 9

Contributi e sviluppo

“Debug MO Translations” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


“Debug MO Translations” è stato tradotto in 7 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.

Traduci “Debug MO Translations” nella tua lingua.

Ti interessa lo sviluppo?

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  • Fix load self translations.
  • PHP Coding standards by mayakokits.
  • Updated versions of WordPress and PHP.


  • Contributions from pedromendonca (Thanks!): Better output in admin and frontend (see screenshots!).
  • Make translatable the plugin.
  • PHP Coding standards.
  • New design for the plugin.


  • Contributions from pedromendonca (Thanks!): Use in_admin_footer and wp_frontend hooks instead of shutdown hook and Prepare plugin for i18n.
  • MultilingualPress supported.


  • Fixed Return early during AJAX requests by Nickcernis.


  • First released.