DirectoryPress is most advanced and flexible directory listing plugin with wide range of features, You can build a business directory, classified listing, real estate, automotive or any kind of listing website with ease. DirectoryPress offer complete control with popular page builders like wpbackery and Elementor.
Core Features
- Redux Option Panel
- Most user friendly Front-end Dashboard.
- User profile edit option from front-end
- User Email verification option from dashboard
- User Phone Number verification option from dashboard [paid addon]
- Front-end & Back-end listing submission.
- Custom post type for listings
- Unlimited Listing category
- Unlimited listing locations
- Unlimited Listing Tags
- Option to add custom tags from listing submission form
- Unlimited location levels [paid addon]
- Unlimited custom fields.
- Unlimited Custom Field’s Groups
- Assign any field to any group
- Assign any field to specific categories.
- Assign fields to specific directory Type
- Advanced custom fields [paid addon]
- Fields option to show on list view.
- Fields option to show on grid view.
- Fields option to show on detail page.
- Fields option to show on map.
- Ajax Search system
- Add custom fields to search form
- Add custom fields to Advanced search
- Keyword & Category field combo box
- Keyword field ajax content filter
- Keyword field popular keyword option.
- Location & Address field combo box
- Radius Search option
- Autocomplete search option
- Hide search button to enable auto ajax search on selection
- Search form styling for archive pages
- Search form styling from Elementor or wpbackery page builder
- Contact form on Listing detail Page.
- Moderation option for new listing.
- Moderation option for edit listing.
- Frontend listing submission
- free listing submission
- Paid listing [paid addon]
- Sell listing packages or pay per listing [paid addon]
- Featured listing (can be paid)
- Featured Listing stay on top option
- Upgrade listing (can be paid)
- Renewal of listings
- Raise UP/ Bump Up Listing Option
- Set package expiry or set eternal
- Sticky listing on top
- Online/Offline status
- Author Profile Page
- Email notification
RTL Supported
Single Listing Page -
Listing images slider.
- Listing Images gallery
- Listing reviews and ratings.
- Display Custom Fields
- Display Custom Fields by groups
- Display fields in tabs
- Display field groups in tabs
- Display location on Map
- Display Videos
- Display videos gallery
- Display Reviews in tabs
- Display Map in Tabs
- Display videos in tabs
- Price Widget
- Display Price widget
- Display simple or range price
- Author widget
- multiple styles of author widget
- Display social elements on author widget
- Display offer button on author widget [Paid addon]
- Display Contact button on author widget
- Display Phone Number
- Display Whatsapp number
- Display Email ID
- Display author details to logged-in users only
- Map widget
- Display location with map in sidebar [paid addon]
- Display business social profiles
- Display business address
- And many
Free Addons
- DirectoryPress Frontend
DirectoryPress Frontend Addon provides complete solution for front-end listing. Most robust user panel, User personal information control, listing management and payment and orders control.
Premium Addons
- DirectoryPress Multi Directory
Addon provides ability to create multiple directories within single WordPress installation, Each directory operates independently with own search engine, categories, locations, custom fields and packages. - DirectoryPress Maps
Addon plugin provides seamless integration of google and MapBox services to offer various map based functionality like listing map markers with custom fields in info window, geocoding, geolocation, autocomplete and radius search, map are fully integrated with DirectoryPress search engine. - DirectoryPress Payment Manager
Addon provide ability to sell paid listing packages with woocomerce, You can charge per listing or sell bungle of listings in single package, addon provide ability to create unlimited packages with different features e.g expiry duration, number of listing, number of categories, number of locations, number of images, number of videos, featured listing option, sticky listing option, Assign specific categories, Assign specific location, Assign specific Fields. - DirectoryPress Extended Locations
Addon Extends DirectoryPress Locations with ability to create multiple levels of locations, location levels works with locations taxonomy levels to create your desired location structure. - DirectoryPress Claim Listing
Addon offers claim listing functionality for listings, user can claim a listing and author of listing can approve or reject any claim request, after approval listing status can be set to draft or publish depending on new author’s ability to post listing, listing can be paid. - DirectoryPress WCFM Integration
Addon provides multi-vendor shop functionality with WCFM plugin free version, Author can turn on store feature and set any listing as purchasable, A parallel product will be created against that particular listing and user will be able to purchase that product directly just like woocomerce product. - DirectoryPress Resurva Booking Integration
Addon provides booking functionality with integration of Resurva booking service, user can book a service directly from the website and author can manage their bookings from resurva dashboard. - DirectoryPress Twilio SMS Service Integration
Addon provides SMS notification feature with integration of twilio sms service, this addon also offer user/author mobile number verification feature. - DirectoryPress Frontend Messages
Addon provides front-end messaging feature for better communication, visitor can send a message to author of listing from single listing contact form and author will receive that message in user panel message inbox, then they can continue their discussion right from user panel, this addon also provide to end offers to author and display, minimum, maximum and average offers on single listing page. - DirectoryPress Faqs
Addon provides ability to create Faqs for each listing from back-end and front-end listing submission form, Author of listing can create unlimited Faqs and system will display these Faqs on single listing page
Premium Supported Themes
- Directo – Directory Listing Listing WordPressTheme
- Gadi – Car Dealer Automotive Listing WordPressTheme
- PetClassified – Pet Classified Ads Listing WordPressTheme
- Classo – Classified Ads Listing WordPressTheme
- Classimet – Classified Ads Listing WordPressTheme
- Foodirectory – Food Restaurant Listing WordPressTheme
- Directorio – Business Directory WordPress Theme
- DirectoryX – Business Directory WordPress Theme
- Classiads – Classified Ads Listing WordPressTheme
What can be build with DirectoryPress?
DirectoryPress with ultimate flexibility and range of functionality available offers the ability to build any kind of Directory listing website some of ideas are listed below:
Business Directory DirectoryPress provides all tools to build a multipurpose business directory to server your business with ease.
Food Directory You can build a next level food directory website in minimum time by using DirectoryPress plugin and you can extend features further by using our premium addons
Events Directory If you are looking for a listing system to build a Events Directory, DirectoryPress will deliver you the most competent system to serve your purpose. You can also offer reservations with resurva booking service by using our premium resurva addon
Real Estate Directory Do you have a real estate agency? A website is essential for real estate business and DirectoryPress is best choice to build a real estate agency, dealership or classified website. You can either build a website for your own agency or offer customers to submit their properties from front-end and charge them for their listings
Classified Ads Directory DirectoryPress is a power house behind most powerful and best selling classified theme. Classiads – Classified Ads Listing WordPressTheme Other than classiads we have wide range of classified themes available to offer ultimate solution for your classified website, check our other themes
Jobs Directory Do you have a Job board Website idea in your mind? give a try to DirectoryPress, We believe it would be your final choice to bring your idea in to production.
Hotels Directory Building a website for hotels, resorts, bed & breakfasts, and other types of accommodation is super easy with DirectoryPress, Not just this, you can aid your website with premium extensions to boost your business with radius search, map address, GeoCoding, GeoLocation, Paid listings and many more.
Medical Directory Building a professional’s website with DirectoryPress is just like baking a cake. Create a directory of doctors, laboratories and hospitals and allow users to search them by their specialty.
Therapists Directory Just like Medical Directory, you can easily create a directory any micro niche subject. No matter if they are massage therapists or psychologists.
Pets Classified Directory The pet industry is pacing rapidly . Its time to create a directory for veterinarians, pet shops, pet groomers, pet parks and more. we have end2end solution for pet classified directory website, consider our most advanced Pet Classified Theme
Service Directory looking for a directory plugin to offer services? DirectoryPress has endless possibilities for you, you can build any kind of services directory e.g
Travel Directory tourism can be backbone of any country and if you think your country has such tourist attraction, then a travel directory is a most profitable business. DirectoryPress hold’s your back to build an ultimate travel directory.
Hiking Trails Directory You can go further in micro niche to build a Hiker’s directory instead of a general travel directory with DirectoryPress.
Bars & Nightlife Directory With DirectoryPress you can build a directory of local bars, clubs and discos and sell tickets for happy hours, concerts and much more.
Software Directory You can build a website to list software any applications and sell them directly from your website by using woocomerce or you can allow your customers to sell their products with the integration of wcfm plugin + DirectoryPress WCFM Addon
Above are just a few example, You can literally build any kind of directory and bring your idea in to production with DirectoryPress
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
What kind of directory websites can be built with DirectoryPress
You can create any kind of directory website a few ideas are listed below:
Classified Ads
Store Locator
People Directory
Team Directory
Members Directory
Staff Directory
Hotels Directory
Doctors Directory
Therapist Directory
Restaurants Directory (Yelp Clone)
Bars & Nightlife Directory
Pets Directory
Church Directory
Travel Directory (Trip Advisor Clone)
Software review sites
Service providers Directory
Events Directory
Yellow Pages
Hiking Trails Directory
City Directory
Above list is not final, these a a few example. -
Can i built multi-locations directory with DirectoryPress
Yes, you can built a directory with multiple locations with DirectoryPress, Not just this, You can setup multiple levels of locations with DirectoryPress Extended Location Addon You can also offer customer to submit multiple address for each listing.
Do you have compatible themes for DirectoryPress
Yes, We have a wide range of themes for directorypress to provide solution for any kind of directory listing idea Explore our premium themes
Which Page Builder DirectoryPress Support
DirectoryPress is supported for Elementor and WpBckery page builders, Apart from these you can use shortcodes with any page builder or guttenberg editor to build a directory website with DirectoryPress
Does DirectoryPress Works without addon plugins or i need to purchase all addons
DirectoryPress does not require any addon plugin, but premium addons can extend the functionality of core plugin.
Can user Manage and Submit listing from Front-end?
Yes DirectoryPress offer most robust front-end user panel with listing management, Profile management, Orders management, inbox messages and many more
Contributi e sviluppo
“DirectoryPress – Business Directory And Classified Ad Listing” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
CollaboratoriTraduci “DirectoryPress – Business Directory And Classified Ad Listing” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- security vulnerability fixed
- minor fixes
- minor fixes
- Elementor Latest version compatibility fixed.
- minor fixes
- category icons upload issue fixed.
- svg support restricted to administrator only.
- translations updated.
- minor fixes
- frontend listing submit form image upload limit issue resolved.
- minor fixes
- translations updated.
- frontend listing submit form image upload stop working from 3.6.14 fixed.
- textarea field alignment issue on single listing page fixed.
- sidebar category counter was not hiding properly. fixed.
- minor fixes
- translations updated.
- complete security audit.
- all security related recommendation by plugin check implemented.
- php 8.2x compatibility fixed.
- elementor latest version compatibility fixed.
- Woocomerce latest version compatibility checked.
- Translations updated.
- other minor fixes.
- Whatsapp contact improvement.
- translations updated.
- Latest WordPress contactibility tested.
- PHP 8.1x compatibility fixed
- Elementor warnings fixed
- Security update fixed
- Elementor warnings fixed
- earch dropdown conflict with other plugins Fixed
- Added option to modify single listing price widget template from the theme/child theme
- Language template updated
- Minor fixes
- Backend offcanvas rtl issue resolved.
- Price field was not saving input data.
- added missing glyphicon icons
- Language template updated
- Minor fixes
- Bootstrap upgrade to 5.3.2
- New backend UI for packages/fields/locations/directory types.
- Package renewal limit issue resolved.
- Search result ordering issue with distance resolved.
- Woocomerce compatibility checked.
- WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility checked.
- Default registration form vulnerability fixed.
- Language template updated
- Minor fixes
- Status field was not rendering at backend listing edit page.
- Icons was not rendering on directorypress backend pages,
- Language template updated
- Minor fixes
- User role based packages feature added.
- Search keyword/category filed list nested dropdowns feature added.
- Separate search label option added to custom fields.
- Option added to directorypress setting to turn on/off keyword/category field combobox on search result page.
- language template updated
- Elementor latest version support.
- Elementor widget null warning fixed.
- Minor fixes
- Field’s Group was not deleting.
- Price Field slug removed upon updating field from backend.
- Price field notices at frontend submission.
- Error while creating new field if label are not selected.
- search page was not rendering keyword field.
- Elementor latest version comaptibility.
- Woocomerce latest version compatibility
- Translation template updated.
- Some minor fixes
- Elementor latest version caused some warnings at frontend.
- Translation template updated.
- Some minor fixes
- Broken access control vulnerability fixed on backend actions.
- Jquery ui was not loading at backend edit listing pages.
- translations updated.
- minor bugs fixed appeared in previous version
- minor bugs fixed appeared in 3.6.0
- minor bugs fixed appeared in 3.6.0
- Major restructuring of data flow.
- Template system improvements for better customizability.
- Single listing template (single.php) shifted to single-listing directory.
- Archive directory changed to directory-pages for better understanding
- Directorypress pages renamed for better customizability in public > partials > directory-pages
- Page-wrapper.php add to make directory pages extendable in public > partials > directory-pages
- Single-wrapper.php added to Make single listing template extendable in public > partials > single-listing
- Critical bug fixed in packages system with frontend listing, remaining listing count was increasing instead of decrease with each new listing.
- Separate category field option added for search form.
- Ability to add custom options list in each pricing plan.
- Ability to restrict submission in parent category if child category available with multi-select categories.
- ability to set media size for gallery images.
- ability to set file size for attachment field,
- Ability to add colour field to search filters.
- Improved single listing page template.
- Improved directory pages templates
- Search engine improvements.
- New options added to elementor search widget.
- New options added to elementor listings widget.
- Redesigned author widget on single listing page.
- New filters added to added additional settings in directorypress listings option panel.
- Material icons library added.
- Fontawesome icons library deprecated.
- PHP 8.1 compatibility added.
- Jquery ui library updated.
- Listing update from backend shows fatal error.
- Masonry layout was not working properly with view switcher.
- Redux framework updated.
- Author page pagination issue resolved.
- Pagination issue with ajax search resolved.
- Sorting panel styling was not implementing properly.
- Field’s order update issue fixed
- Ajax keyword search result issue fixed
- Back-end listing’s update issue fixed
- Separate Video attachment metabox template Added
- Custom icons option added for single listing meta links and buttons Added
- Translation updated Update
- Performance improvements Improvement
- Category icons was not saving fixed
- WordPress 6.1 compatibility checked.
- Translation template updated
- WordPress 6.1 compatibility checked.
- Field’s dependency was not working since version 3.5.4 fixed
- minor fixes and improvements. improvement
- Translation template updated improvement
- minor fixes and improvements.
- Translation template updated improvement
- Security improvements fixed
- Minor visual issues resolved fixed
- Performance improvement fixed
- Redux Framework updated fixed
- Jquery ui theme updated. fixed
- submit listing image uploader issue resolved fixed
- User verification option from submit listing page added new
- Translation template updated improvement