Questo plugin non è stato testato con le ultime 3 versioni principali (major releases) di WordPress. Potrebbe non essere più mantenuto, o supportato, e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità se utilizzato con versioni più recenti di WordPress.


This plugin connects Easy Digital Downloads to so that all tax rate calculations are done by TaxJar.

By allowing TaxJar to handle tax rate determination, store owners can rest easy with accurate, up to date tax rate calculations without requiring any extensive manual entry for tax rates.


In order for the tax rate calculation to occur, your checkout screen must include the billing zip / postal field. If that field is not present on your checkout screen, no tax rate determination can be performed.

At this time this plugin only calculates the tax rate; it does not create order records in your TaxJar account, but we will add support for that soon. In the meantime, you can export your order history from Downloads > Reports > Export and then import it into TaxJar after the end of each month.


  1. Signup for an account at
  2. Obtain an API Token from your account area
  3. Install this plugin and activate it by uploading it via Plugins > Add New
  4. Navigate to Downloads > Settings > Taxes and enable taxes
  5. Navigate to Downloads > Settings > Taxes > TaxJar
  6. Enter your TaxJar API token


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Contributi e sviluppo

“EDD TaxJar” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.



1.0.2, March 23, 2021

  • New: Added filters for the zip code (edd_tax_jar_zip) and country (edd_tax_jar_country).
  • Fix: edd_taxjar_data payment meta not being saved as valid JSON.
  • Tweak: Update plugin author name and URI.
  • Dev: Support for EDD 3.0.
  • Dev: Code cleanup for WPCS.

1.0.1, July 23, 2018

  • Fix: Undefined PHP notice in upcoming Easy Digital Downloads 3.0 version

1.0, June 22, 2018

  • Initial release