Questo plugin è stato chiuso il 7 Marzo 2024 e non è più disponibile per il download. Motivazione: Problema di sicurezza.
27 Aprile 2017
1 risposta
In database query inside a plugin file is not as per the standard WordPress queries.
In file “\eg-attachments\inc\” there is a function “record_click”. In this function author is using below query:
$sql = $wpdb->prepare(‘SELECT click_id,clicks_number FROM wp_eg_attachments_clicks WHERE click_date=CURRENT_DATE() AND attach_id=%d AND post_id=%d’,
$attach_id, $parent_id);
Just look at the query, author is using “wp_eg_attachments_clicks” for a table. Here table prefix for that table is “wp_” which is not dynamic. Author should use something like below:
$sql = $wpdb->prepare(‘SELECT click_id,clicks_number FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’eg_attachments_clicks WHERE click_date=CURRENT_DATE() AND attach_id=%d AND post_id=%d’,
$attach_id, $parent_id);
In place of “wp_” we should always use “$wpdb->prefix” in our queries so that our query will not break even change of table prefix by the user from wp-config.php file.
Request to author, please update it in your next release.
Sunil Chaudhary
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