Conversios – Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Meta Pixel & e molto altro via Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce


Track for WooCommerce Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Meta Pixel (Facebook pixel), Google Ads, TikTok & more via Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Descrizione del prodotto

Conversios is a dynamic WooCommerce plugin, designed to streamline digital marketing and analytics. Integrating Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and various ad channel pixels through Google Tag Manager, it also offers advanced product feed management. Conversios is the go-to solution for enhancing e-commerce strategies, optimizing ad placements, and boosting sales and conversion rates.

Il plugin semplifica il tracciamento dell’e-commerce e delle conversioni, e la costruzione di un pubblico. Con l’integrazione GA4 facilita il processo decisionale informato per migliorare le conversioni. Conversios supporta Meta Pixel, Google Ads, TikTok Pixel e molto altro, abilitando il targeting dinamico del pubblico e il monitoraggio delle campagne. L’interfaccia user-friendly di Google Tag Manager non richiede alcuna codifica e si concentra sulle funzionalità GA4, Meta Pixel e Google Tag Manager.

Conversios include anche tracciamento lato server all’avanguardia, migliorando l’accuratezza della raccolta dati aggirando blocchi come quelli pubblicitari. Questa funzione è fondamentale per strumenti come GA4 e Meta Pixel, fornendo una tracciabilità affidabile e ottimizzando le prestazioni del negozio.

In più, Conversios ti offre reportistica completa sull’e-commerce e approfondimenti generati dall’IA. I suoi report e-commerce offrono KPI e analisi essenziali, con l’invio intelligente di e-mail e approfondimenti IA che consentono di prendere decisioni strategiche. Questo facilita la comprensione degli interessi del pubblico e il miglioramento delle decisioni di vendita.

Infine, Conversios include Product Feed Manager for WooCommerce. Fondamentale per Google Merchant Center, Facebook Catalog e TikTok Catalog, assicura feed di prodotto aggiornati per le campagne pubblicitarie. Il plugin supporta gli aggiornamenti automatici e la gestione avanzata del catalogo prodotti, aumentando la visibilità e l’efficacia delle tue campagne pubblicitarie.

Tracciamento di Google Analytics 4, e-commerce tramite Google Tag Manager

Tracciamento delle conversioni e creazione di un pubblico dinamico con integrazioni di pixel multipiattaforma (Google Ads Pixel, Meta (Facebook + Instagram) Pixel, Snapchat Pixel, Pinterest Pixel, Tiktok Pixel, Microsoft Ads Pixel e Twitter Pixel).

Sfruttando Google Analytics 4 attraverso Google Tag Manager, il nostro approccio comprende un monitoraggio completo dell’e-commerce con una facile configurazione. Integriamo perfettamente una suite di pixel, tra cui Google Ads, Meta (Facebook e Instagram), Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, Microsoft Ads e Twitter, migliorando la nostra capacità di creare un pubblico dinamico e di tracciare con precisione le conversioni. L’integrazione di pixel multipiattaforma è fondamentale per offrire una visione olistica delle interazioni con i clienti, per favorire strategie di marketing più efficaci e la crescita del business.

Integrazione semplice e tracciamento semplificato con dati precisi:

  • Potenziate il tuo negozio WooCommerce con un’integrazione perfetta per: Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Meta Pixel (Facebook Ads), Snapchat Pixel, Pinterest Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Microsoft Ads Pixel e Twitter Pixel.

• Includes seamless integration for Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Meta Pixel, Snapchat Pixel, Pinterest Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Microsoft Ads Pixel, and Twitter Pixel.
• Automates Google Tag Manager with 100+ Tags, Triggers & Variables in a single click.
• One-click setup eliminates manual coding and configuration.
• Google Tag Manager-based implementation for faster page load.
• Integration and automation of Google Tag Manager account for full control and faster page speed.
• Quick and easy installation with no code or expertise required.
• Accurate page and e-commerce event tracking for insightful reporting.

Google Analytics 4 E-commerce Tracking Overview

• Page_view: Tracks all web pages.
• Purchase: Tracks the purchase event when an order is placed.
• View_item_list: Tracks when a user views products on any product listing page.
• Select_item: Tracks when a user selects/clicks on a specific product.
• Add_to_cart: Tracks when a product is added to the cart.
• Remove_from_cart: Tracks when a product is removed from the cart.
• View_cart: Tracks when a user views the cart page.
• Begin_checkout: Tracks when a user initiates checkout.
• Add_payment_info: Tracks when a user selects a payment method.
• Add_shipping_info: Tracks when a user selects a shipping method.

Boost Campaign Performance and Personalize Customer Journeys:

Seamless integration with Google Ads, Meta Pixel (Facebook Ads), Snapchat Pixel, Pinterest Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Microsoft Ads Pixel, and Twitter Pixel: Streamline your advertising efforts with unified conversion tracking across platforms.

Google Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Conversion tracking for add-to-cart events.
• Conversion tracking for begin checkout events.
• Enhanced conversion tracking for add-to-cart events.
• Dynamic audience building based on user browsing behavior.
• Five audience list creation in Google Ads.

Facebook Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Dynamic remarketing audience building based on user browsing behavior.
• Advanced Matching feature for improved event quality score.
• Server-side tracking for Meta (Facebook) events.

Setting Up FB Pixel and FBCAPI with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

TikTok Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Dynamic audience building based on user browsing behavior.
• Advanced Matching feature for improved event quality score.
• TikTok Events API for server-side tracking of e-commerce events.

Setting Up TikTok Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Snapchat Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Audience building based on e-commerce events.
• Snapchat Conversions API for server-side tracking of e-commerce events.

Setting Up Snapchat Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Pinterest Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Dynamic remarketing audience building based on user browsing behavior.

Setting Up Pinterest Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Microsoft Ads Tracking Overview

• Conversion tracking for purchase events.
• Dynamic remarketing audience building based on user browsing behavior.
Setting Up Microsoft Ads Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Altra integrazione con Ads

* Microsoft Clarity Integration
* Hotjar Integration
* Crazy Egg Integration
* Twitter Ads Tracking

Setting Up Twitter Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Setting Up Hotjar Pixel with Conversios Plugin:
Setup Guide

Google Ads Campaign Optimization

• Use Google Analytics 4 data for data-driven decisions.
• Track conversions across platforms for improvement.
• Personalize shopping experience using user behavior data.

Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting and AI-Powered Insights:

E-commerce Tracking and Reporting in WordPress
• Manages tracking and reporting from one central location.
• Provides Google Analytics 4 dashboards for easy access to metrics.
• Offers AI-powered insights on Google Analytics and Google Ads data.
• Schedule reports in your email inbox daily.
• Automates data collection and reporting for efficient decision-making.
• Enhances customer experience by providing insights into user behavior.
• Reduces complexity and increases efficiency by automating data collection and reporting.

Tracciamento lato server per Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Meta (Facebook + Instagram), Tiktok e Snapchat per una maggiore precisione e privacy

Server-side Tagging Overview

• Tracks user interactions and conversions on various platforms including Google Analytics 4, Facebook, Google Ads, Snapchat Conversions API, and TikTok Events API.
• Enhances data accuracy, privacy, and performance through automation of server GTM (Google Tag Manager) and web GTM (Google Tag Manager).
• Provides Google Cloud hosting for sGTM (Google Tag Manager) for 100% uptime, scalability, and security.
• Eliminates manual coding with server ecommerce data layer automation and customer loader.
• Offers unlimited hits on the server.
• Provides comprehensive tracking and audience building for Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Meta (Facebook) Pixel, Facebook CAPI, Snapchat Pixel, and TikTok Pixel and TikTok Events API.

Automatizza e ottimizza i feed per il Feed di Google Shopping, Feed di TikTok Catalog e il Feed di Meta (Facebook) Catalog.

Aumentate le vendite di WooCommerce con una piattaforma unica per la gestione semplificata dei feed di prodotto. Puoi dire addio all’inserimento manuale dei dati e dare il benvenuto alle sincronizzazioni senza sforzo con le principali piattaforme pubblicitarie come Google Shopping Catalog Feed, TikTok Catalog Feed e Meta (Facebook) Catalog Feed.

  • Creazione di feed senza sforzo:

    • Sincronizzazioni automatiche: Imposta tutto e dimenticatene! Programma gli aggiornamenti automatici dei prodotti per i feed di Google Shopping, feed del catalogo Meta (Facebook) e feed del catalogo TikTok.
  • Sincronizzazione e automazione dei prodotti:

    • Sync unlimited products from your WooCommerce store to your Google Merchant Center and TikTok Catalog, Meta (Facebook) Catalog using Product Feed Manager.
      • Provides easy but advanced filters to segregate your products from the list of your WooCommerce products and select them for a product feed in channels like Google, Meta(Facebook), and TikTok.
    • Consente di selezionare manualmente i prodotti dalla griglia dei prodotti.
    • Compatibile con oltre 50 plugin di prodotto per la sincronizzazione degli attributi.
    • Include una funzione di sincronizzazione automatica per gli aggiornamenti giornalieri/settimanali.
  • Gestione del feed:

    • Consente di gestire i feed per diversi Paesi e campagne.
    • Fornisci la mappatura delle categorie di WooCommerce e più di 60 attributi per l’ottimizzazione.
    • Mappa gli attributi dei prodotti di WooCommerce in Attributi aggiuntivi per una sincronizzazione dettagliata dei dati dei prodotti.
    • Offre la mappatura di attributi aggiuntivi per una sincronizzazione dettagliata dei dati del prodotto.
  • Basato su API e alimentato dall’IA:

    • Product Feed Manager per Google Merchant Center usa un’API potente e in tempo reale, senza bisogno di feed di prodotto XML o CSV.
    • Integra Product Feed Manager per TikTok Catalog usando le API di TikTok Ads in pochi secondi.
    • Integra Product Feed Manager per Meta (Facebook) Catalog usando le API di Meta (Facebook) Ads in pochi secondi. (Pro)
  • Funzionalità aggiuntive:

    • Fornisce in tempo reale lo stato di approvazione e le descrizioni degli errori da Google e TikTok.
    • Ottieni in tempo reale lo stato di approvazione e le descrizioni degli errori (per i prodotti non approvati) da Google, Meta (Facebook) e TikTok per i tuoi prodotti.
    • Compatibile con i negozi con più di 100.000 prodotti.
    • Interfaccia user-friendly all’interno della bacheca di WordPress.
  • Canali del feed:

    • Supporta il feed di Google Shopping
    • Feed di TikTok Catalog
    • Feed di Meta Catalog (Facebook)
    • Feed di Snapchat Catalog (in arrivo)
    • Feed del catalogo Pinterest (in arrivo)
    • Feed di Microsoft Catalog (in arrivo)

Reporting, approfondimenti basati sull’intelligenza artificiale e gestione delle campagne

Migliora le prestazioni dell’e-commerce con metriche chiave come la percentuale di conversione, le entrate e i dati sugli ordini: tutti i dati sono presentati con report di facile consultazione. I dati di Google Analytics 4 sono organizzati in modo da fornire informazioni utili per migliorare le strategie di prodotto, canale e ordine. Ottieni visibilità sulle prestazioni di Google Ads per potenziare le tue campagne. Le email intelligenti programmate inviano i report direttamente alla tua casella di posta elettronica, semplificando il processo decisionale. Gli approfondimenti guidati dall’intelligenza artificiale analizzano i dati di Google Analytics 4 e Ads, ottimizzando le strategie per aumentare le conversioni e le vendite.

  • Potenti analisi e reportistica sulla IA:

  • Report e-commerce:

    • Report intuitivi: Traccia le metriche chiave come la percentuale di conversione, i ricavi e gli ordini.
    • Decisioni basate sui dati: Ottieni informazioni per ottimizzare le strategie di prodotto, canale e ordine.
    • Integrazione con Google Analytics 4: Dati di Google Analytics 4 ottimizzati per ottenere informazioni utili.
    • Report legacy: Accedi a report familiari come le prestazioni dei prodotti e degli ordini.
    • Analisi del funnel e-commerce: Comprendi il customer journey attraverso il checkout.
  • Report degli annunci:

    • Scopri le prestazioni di Google Ads: Misura l’efficacia delle campagne e migliora le prestazioni.
    • Empowered campaigns: Gain insights to optimize and refine your Ads strategy.
  • AI Insights:

    • ChatGPT-powered insights: Decipher Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads data for enhanced marketing ROI.
    • Maximize conversions and sales: Optimize strategy based on AI-driven insights.
  • Smart Email Reports:

    • Automated reports: Schedule daily, weekly, or monthly reports straight to your inbox.
    • Streamlined decision-making: Get key reports delivered directly, saving time.
  • Product Ads Campaign Management:

    • Create and manage Google Ads Performance Max campaigns: Increase ROAS with dedicated tools.
    • Feed-based campaign creation: Manage campaigns based on product feeds for better targeting.
  • Funzionalità aggiuntive:

    • WordPress admin panel integration: Access all features directly from your WordPress dashboard.
    • User-friendly interface: Navigate easily and get insights quickly.
  • Effortless Campaign Management:

    • Performance Max Made Easy: Create and manage Google Ads Performance Max campaigns directly from your WordPress admin panel. Streamline campaign creation, optimize ROAS, and maximize visibility.
    • Feed-Based Campaigns: Create targeted campaigns based on your product feeds for precise and effective advertising with Google Ads Performance Max.
    • Intuitive Interface: Manage all aspects of your campaigns with a user-friendly interface designed for simplicity and efficiency.
    • Increase Conversions and Sales: Optimize your marketing strategies based on actionable insights and data-driven reports.
    • Save Time and Resources: Automate reporting and campaign management tasks to focus on core business activities.
      Boost ROAS: Maximize your return on ad spend with AI-powered insights and optimized Google Ads campaigns.
    • Stay Informed: Get regular reports delivered directly to your inbox for convenient access to critical data.
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager

    • A dedicated customer success manager ensures that everything is set up accurately and helps you solve any issues you may face

To install the Conversios plugin on a WordPress website:


Alternatively, you can upload and install the plugin manually:

  • Download the “All-in-one Google Analytics, Pixels, and Product Feed Manager for WooCommerce” file.
  • In the WordPress admin, go to “Plugins” > “Add New” and click “Upload Plugin.”
  • Choose the downloaded file and click “Install Now,” then “Activate.”

To set up the Conversios plugin, follow these steps:


Conversios is compatible with the following major plugins

  • Perfect Brands for WooCommerce for the Product Feed process
  • YITH WooCommerce Brands️ for Product Feed process
  • WooCommerce Brands for Product Feed process
  • YITH Multi-Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
  • YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce
  • Multi-Currency plugins
    • WOOCS: Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
    • CURCY: Multi-Currency for WooCommerce
    • WBW Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

Fast track and scale your ecommerce business to new heights by unlocking more advanced tracking and enabling complete Google & Facebook shopping solutions for your WooCommerce store. Give a try to our pro version.

Reach out to us with your query here for a faster solution.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


  • Questa è la schermata della bacheca che mostra lo stato dell'implementazione di Google Tag Manager e l'impostazione dei vari pixel, lo stato dei collegamenti al Google Merchant Center, al catalogo TikTok e agli ultimi 2 feed, nonché gli approfondimenti dei report per le campagne in corso e i dati degli ultimi 30 giorni per GA4.
  • Questa è una schermata della pagina Pixel e Analytics in cui è possibile consultare la configurazione effettuata finora per il tuo account Google Tag Manager. Puoi fare clic su qualsiasi integrazione per aggiungere/aggiornare le impostazioni.
  • È possibile visualizzare le configurazioni di tutti i pixel e navigare verso un pixel specifico per aggiungere/aggiornare l'account.
  • Questa è una pagina di impostazione di Google Tag Manager in cui è possibile configurare il proprio contenitore di Google Tag Manager o usare il Conversion Global Container (predefinito).
  • Tutti gli oltre 76 tag, trigger e variabili precostituiti nel tuo account GTM.
  • Questa è una pagina di impostazione di Google Analytics.
  • Questa è una pagina di impostazioni di Google Ads in cui puoi configurare il monitoraggio delle conversioni di Google Ads, il monitoraggio avanzato delle conversioni e i tag di remarketing dinamico per gli eventi di e-commerce.
  • Questa è una pagina di configurazione di Facebook in cui puoi configurare il monitoraggio Facebook Pixel e Facebook Conversions API.
  • Bacheca azionabile che visualizza le metriche chiave che aiutano il tuo business e-commerce a scalare più velocemente. Report di conversione e-commerce e funnel di checkout che ti aiutano a visualizzare i percorsi degli utenti dalla homepage alla conferma dell'ordine. Report sulle prestazioni di prodotti, fonti/mezzi e campagne, in cui è possibile visualizzare tutte le rispettive prestazioni.
  • Bacheca di Google Analytics 4. Una volta collegata la proprietà di Google Analytics 4 dal plugin, i dati del tuo negozio WooCommerce appariranno come questi nella bacheca di Google Analytics 4. Il plugin registra tutti i dati relativi agli eventi di e-commerce.
  • Google Analytics 4 dashboard 2 Once you connect Google Analytics 4 property from the plugin, your WooCommerce store's data will look like this in your Google Analytics 4 dashboard. The plugin captures all the data points related to ecommerce events.
  • Google Analytics 4--> Monetizzazione 1. Una volta collegata la proprietà Google Analytics 4 dal plugin, i dati del tuo negozio WooCommerce appariranno come segue nel tuo Google Analytics 4 sotto Monetizzazione --> Panoramica. Il plugin cattura tutti i dati relativi agli eventi di ecommerce.
  • Google Analytics 4--> Monetizzazione 2. Una volta collegata la proprietà Google Analytics 4 dal plugin, i dati del tuo negozio WooCommerce appariranno come segue nel tuo Google Analytics 4 sotto Monetizzazione --> Panoramica. Il plugin cattura tutti i dati relativi agli eventi di ecommerce.
  • Google Analytics 4 Monetizzazione --> acquisti ecommerce. Una volta collegata la proprietà Google Analytics 4 dal plugin, i dati del tuo negozio WooCommerce appariranno come segue nel tuo Google Analytics 4 alla voce Monetizzazione --> acquisti ecommerce. Il plugin cattura tutti i dati relativi agli eventi di ecommerce.
  • Feed di prodotti --> Configurazione del canale. Qui puoi collegare l'account Google Merchant Center e il catalogo TikTok per elaborare il Feed di prodotti.
  • Questa è la pagina di impostazione interna di Google Merchant Center. Qui puoi effettuare l'accesso con l'account Google e selezionare l'account Google Merchant Center da collegare, oltre a effettuare la verifica del sito e la rivendicazione del dominio.
  • Questa è la pagina di impostazione interna del catalogo TikTok in cui puoi accedere con il tuo account Tiktok, selezionare l'account TikTok Business e impostare i cataloghi TikTok in base al paese.
  • Feed dei prodotti --> Gestione dei feed. Qui è possibile creare e gestire i feed.
  • Feed prodotto --> Configurazione del canale --> Mappatura degli attributi e delle categorie. Qui è possibile mappare gli attributi e le categorie dei prodotti WooCommerce con gli attributi e le categorie dei prodotti Conversios e salvarli.


Cosa fa il plugin Conversios WooCommerce?

Automatizza le conversioni per Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Meta (Facebook) Pixel & Conversions API, Snapchat, Pinterest e TikTok tramite Google Tag Manager, migliorando le analisi del negozio WooCommerce. Inoltre, aiuta ad automatizzare i feed dei prodotti per Google Shopping, Facebook Catalog e Tiktok Catalog, oltre alla gestione delle campagne e al reporting.

Che cos’è Conversios per WooCommerce?

Conversios è un plugin WooCommerce completo per il tracciamento avanzato di Google Analytics 4 tramite Google Tag Manager. È specializzato nell’integrazione di pixel per Google Ads, Meta (Facebook e Instagram), Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, Microsoft Ads e Twitter, fondamentali per la creazione di un pubblico dinamico e il tracciamento delle vendite via e-commerce.

Come fa Conversios a personalizzare il customer journey di WooCommerce?

Integrandosi con Google Ads, Meta Pixel, Snapchat Pixel e altri, Conversios personalizza i customer journey in WooCommerce. Fornisce un tracciamento unificato delle conversioni, ottimizza le campagne Google Ads usando i dati di Google Analytics 4 e personalizza le esperienze di acquisto in base ai dati sul comportamento degli utenti.

Come può il plugin migliorare le prestazioni del mio negozio online?

Migliora l’accuratezza del tracciamento, massimizza l’efficacia del canale pubblicitario e automatizza l’alimentazione dei prodotti WooCommerce a Google Merchant Center e a TikTok Catalog.

Posso integrare il mio account Google Tag Manager con questo plugin?

Sì, consente l’integrazione e l’automazione del tuo account Google Tag Manager. È particolarmente vantaggioso per i negozi WooCommerce di alto livello.

Quali pixel pubblicitari supporta il plugin per l’automazione del livello dati?

Supporta l’automazione del livello dati per Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel & Conversions API, TikTok, Snapchat, CrazyEggs, Pinterest, HotJar, ecc.

In che modo il plugin gestisce il tracciamento degli eventi e-commerce per Google Analytics 4?

Offre l’automazione del tracciamento di Google Analytics 4 con un solo clic. Copre eventi come l’elenco dei prodotti, i clic, gli articoli visualizzati, l’aggiunta al carrello, le fasi di checkout e l’acquisto.

Il plugin include una funzionalità Super feed per la sincronizzazione dei Feed di prodotto?

Sì, offre una funzionalità Super Feed per sincronizzare il Feed dei prodotti con un solo clic in WooCommerce.

Usando questo plugin, posso sincronizzare il feed dei prodotti con Google Merchant Center e TikTok Catalog?

Sì, automatizza la sincronizzazione dei Feed prodotto con Google Merchant Center e TikTok Catalog utilizzando potenti API in un solo clic.

In che modo il plugin garantisce la conformità al GDPR?

Aderisce agli standard di conformità GDPR per proteggere la privacy e i dati degli utenti con una soluzione di tagging lato server.

Posso usare il plugin per creare e gestire campagne Performance Max per Google Ads?

Sì, permette di creare e gestire senza problemi le campagne Performance Max direttamente dal tuo negozio WooCommerce.

Come gestisce il plugin il tracciamento lato server per le varie piattaforme pubblicitarie?

Supporta il monitoraggio lato server per GA4, Facebook, Google Ads, Snapchat Conversions API e TikTok Events API.

Il plugin offre report e approfondimenti per Google Analytics 4 e Google Ads?

Sì, include una bacheca di reportistica approfondita e facile da usare sia per Google Analytics 4 che per Google Ads in WooCommerce.

Quali sono i report legacy disponibili per i dati GA4 nel plugin?

Include report legacy come le prestazioni dei prodotti, le prestazioni degli ordini, le prestazioni dei canali, l’e-commerce funnel e il checkout funnel per i dati GA4.

Come gestisce il plugin l’automazione dei canali di feed per le prossime campagne?

Offre una funzionalità di sincronizzazione automatica per automatizzare i canali di alimentazione, assicurando che i dati dei prodotti siano aggiornati per le prossime campagne in WooCommerce.

Posso personalizzare il plugin per paesi e campagne specifiche?

Sì, consente di gestire i feed per i Paesi di destinazione e di applicare filtri avanzati per adattarli a campagne specifiche in WooCommerce.

Esiste un limite al numero di prodotti che si possono sincronizzare con Product Feed Manager?

Supporta la sincronizzazione di un numero illimitato di prodotti dal tuo negozio WooCommerce a Google Merchant Center, TikTok Catalog & Facebook Catalogue.

Come posso ricevere report automatici sull’e-commerce da GA4 direttamente nella mia casella di posta elettronica?

Offre una funzionalità e-mail intelligente che consegna ogni giorno i report sull’e-commerce di GA4 direttamente nella casella di posta elettronica degli utenti di WooCommerce.

Come posso contattare il supporto per qualsiasi domanda o assistenza relativa al plugin?

Rivolgiti all’assistenza al numero [inserire qui i dati di contatto dell’assistenza] per qualsiasi domanda relativa al plugin WooCommerce.

Posso gestire il Feed di prodotti di WooCommerce per altri canali pubblicitari come Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest e Microsoft?

Prevede di supportare il Feed prodotto per altri canali nelle prossime versioni per i negozi WooCommerce.

Come posso convalidare il monitoraggio di Google Analytics 4 sul mio sito web?

Fornisce una procedura guidata di tracciamento degli eventi per aiutare a convalidare in tempo reale gli eventi tracciati sul tuo sito WooCommerce.

Posso mappare le categorie e gli attributi dei prodotti WooCommerce per ottimizzare le campagne?

Sì, consente di mappare le categorie e gli attributi dei prodotti WooCommerce per ottimizzare le campagne.

Qual è il vantaggio di usare la funzione di sincronizzazione automatica per il Feed di prodotti?

Automatizza il tuo feed e mantiene, quotidianamente o settimanalmente, i dati dei prodotti aggiornati nei canali di feed in WooCommerce.

Come fa il plugin a gestire le descrizioni di errore per i prodotti non approvati su Google e TikTok?

Fornisce lo stato di approvazione e le descrizioni degli errori per i prodotti non approvati da Google e TikTok.

È disponibile un periodo di prova per il plugin?

Non è prevista una prova gratuita, ma abbiamo una politica di rimborso a 15 giorni e senza domande per il plugin WooCommerce.

Come faccio ad attivare la chiave di licenza?

Aggiorna la versione Pro nel backend di WordPress: usa la chiave di licenza e fai clic sul segno della freccia per attivarla per WooCommerce.

Come ottenere la fattura per i miei acquisti/rinnovi con Conversios?

Scarica direttamente le fatture dal sito web di Conversios usando il tuo ID di abbonamento per l’acquisto del plugin WooCommerce.

Perché i miei dati non vengono aggiornati nella bacheca di GA4 all’interno del plugin?

La sincronizzazione dei dati con Google Analytics 4 richiede in genere dalle 24 alle 48 ore; questo è un aspetto comune ai negozi WooCommerce.

Perché i miei eventi/transazioni di acquisto non vengono tracciati nella bacheca del plugin e nei report di GA4?

Assicurati che il tuo sito web sia convalidato: fai un ordine di prova e usa la funzione di monitoraggio Event Wizard per la diagnostica in WooCommerce.

Non riesco a completare la configurazione del plugin perché continua a caricarsi. Cosa devo fare?

Inizia la configurazione del plugin con Chrome, quindi usa qualsiasi browser per visualizzarlo per WooCommerce.

Perché vedo un avviso quando cerco di rivendicare il mio dominio attraverso il plugin?

Questo può accadere se il dominio è già rivendicato nel tuo account Google Merchant Center. Disattivalo prima per WooCommerce.

Quanto tempo occorre per sincronizzare i miei prodotti con il mio account Google Merchant?

Attendi almeno 30 minuti per la sincronizzazione dei prodotti con il Merchant Center dopo aver utilizzato il plugin Conversios in WooCommerce.

Come passare all’ultima versione del plugin?

Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici nel tuo negozio WordPress per gli aggiornamenti automatici o scarica manualmente l’ultima versione da [sito web] per WooCommerce.


12 Aprile 2024
Excellent support from the conversios team! I thank them very much and I rate them 5 stars which they really deserve.
11 Aprile 2024
The team at conversios created a great and easy to use system. Plus their support is simply phenomenal - they are always there if you need and work hard to ensure every client is 110% happy!
14 Marzo 2024
Support has been non existent. We bought 2 x premium licences which we now no longer need. There is no way to log in to their control panel and cancel these subscriptions and support have ignored our repeated emails requesting to manually cancel these subscriptions - which leaves me to think this company are nothing more than scammers. Avoid at all costs. We will be taking legal action against them to recover our funds.
8 Marzo 2024
We purchased the top of the line $1k premium enterprise subscription which is supposed to include 'premium setup and support'. Despite having a nice call over 2 weeks ago with one representative, we still don't have Google Ads tracking working. We've had multiple calls, given full access to Ads, GTM, and even our Wordpress admin credentials. We're repeatedly told "developers are working on it" yet we don't see any activity. Company has no urgent to solve the problem, despite having all the info they need to test, I have to repeatedly have calls showing them it isn't work, repeatedly get told I will hear back from someone, then they vanish for days again. About to dispute the charges for this subscription. Extremely disappointed that they can't make their amazing features work after 2 weeks of chances.
6 Dicembre 2023
Can't recommend the plugin!They're refusing to refund me for the recurring subscription even though I contacted them well before the recurring period and told them that I would like to cancel my subscription since I wasn't using the plugin anymore.Smells like scam to me.
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 152

Contributi e sviluppo

“Conversios – Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Meta Pixel & e molto altro via Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


“Conversios – Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Meta Pixel & e molto altro via Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce” è stato tradotto in 2 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.

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Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.

Changelog (registro delle modifiche)

7.0.8 – 29/03/2024

  • Security enhancement.

7.0.0 – 06/02/2024

  • We’re thrilled to announce a significant update, marking one of our major releases this year. This update brings a host of new features and improvements:

    • A completely redesigned dashboard to simplify the onboarding process for our users.
    • New, user-friendly setup wizards for various functionalities, including 1. Ecommerce and Conversions Tracking, and Audience Building, 2. Product Feed Management for Google Shopping, TikTok, and Facebook, 3. Enhanced Reports and Insights, 4. Campaign Management for Google Shopping.
    • Enhanced flexibility in creating product feeds with a variety of inventory selection options.
    • The ability to launch Performance Max campaigns using your product feeds.
    • Options to create campaigns for all WooCommerce products or specific products based on filters.
    • Integration of new features like TikTok Events API and Snapchat Conversions API, in addition to existing pixel tracking.
    • The introduction of advanced paid plans designed for our pro users.
  • We’re excited for you to explore these new capabilities and look forward to supporting your success with our enhanced platform.

6.9.0 – 27/11/2023

  • Run a Performance Max Campaign for the products in the feed
  • Manage the existing Performance Max Campaign

6.8.3 – 07/11/2023

  • UI chnages for the festive season and minor enhancement.

6.8.1 – 03/11/2023

  • Added suggest prompt / feedback form for users in AI sections of Reports & Insights page.
  • Updates in GA4 grid report in reporting.

6.8.0 – 31/10/2023

  • In this release, we have added tracking for the Hotjar, Microsoft clarity, Crazyegg and conversion tracking for the Bing Ads for the purchase event.
  • Added HPOS compatibility to ensure the seamless event tracking with the woocommerce future enhancements.

6.7.0 – 19/10/2023

  • In this release, we have limited ecommerce events tracking to page view and purchase events. The other enhanced ecommerce events will be part of our premium plans going forward.

6.6.0 – 18/09/2023

  • We have added new feed channel for Tiktok catalog. Users can now sync WooCommerce products into Tiktok catalog to run product ads on Tiktok. Product feed along with the Tiktok pixel and Tiktok events API tracking features will help users scale thier campaigns on Tiktok Ad channel.

6.5.0 – 07/08/2023

  • Added Google analytics 4 and Google Ads reports in Ecommerce reports page.
  • Added AI powered insights for all google analytics 4 and google ads reports on dashboard and ecommerce reports page.
  • Removed Universal analytics / google analytics 3 reports from ecommerce reporting.
  • Fixes and Enhancements in Reporting sections.

6.4.0 – 31/07/2023

  • AI powered super feed.

6.3.7 – 18/07/2023

  • Added WordPress website event tracking.

6.3.6 – 11/07/2023

  • Minor bug fix.

6.3.5 – 30/06/2023

  • UIUX enhancement in dashboard and GA4 setup screen.

6.3.4 – 28/06/2023

  • We have released Server Side Tagging via GTM for GA4, FBCAPI and Google Ads.

6.3.3 – 27/06/2023

  • Dashboard UI Enhancements.
  • Order performance report for GA4 on Ecommerce reports page.
  • Updates in GA4 grid report metrics on Ecommerce reports page.

6.3.2 – 19/06/2023

  • Smart email reporting feature.

6.3.0 – 15/06/2023

  • Feed Manager – Create edit feeds.
  • Advanced Filters.
  • Multi-select feature for products.
  • Separate Product attributes mapping.
  • Delete products from the GMC feature.
  • Minor bug fixes.

6.2.2 – 07/06/2023

  • In this release, we have resolved UI bugs related to Ecommerce Reports page.
  • UI enhancements for GA4 settings page.

6.2.1 – 02/06/2023

  • Performance enhancements.

6.2.0 – 31/05/2023

  • We have rolled out new improved dashboard that will enable the easy setup of the plugin and it will give you a snapshot of the ecommerce store performance.
  • We have rolled out new Ecommerce Reports feature that will give you insights from your Google Analytics and Google Ads data.
  • We have optimized the performance of Pixels and Analytics feature.
  • We have rolled out User Experience enhancements.

6.1.0 – 15/05/2023

  • In this release, we have optimized the user experience of Pixels and Analytics.
  • We have added tutorials for all the integrations and informative guides.

6.0.1 – 26/04/2023

  • Added compatibility with SEO Yoast plugin with variation product type.
  • Enhancements in product syc process in google merchant center.
  • Few fixes and enhancements in plugin files.

6.0.0 – 22/03/2023

  • Performance enhancements and removed pro feature

5.3.1 – 20/02/2023

  • Performance enhancement in datalayer formation for Pixels tracking. Removed address fields from the datalayers except for the purchase event that is used for google ads enhanced conversion tracking.
  • Compatibility with Single Variation WooCommerce plugin for product feed creation so it sends product link for variable products automatically.
  • Added Conversion analytics badge for front end and the capabilities to turn that off from the settings.

5.3.0 – 16/02/2023

  • In this release, we have added flexibility to select events for tracking as per your requirements. You can select the events that you want to track from Pixel settings page. (Only for PRO users)
  • Now you can also select user role for which you want to disable the tracking from pixel settings page.
  • We have support widget on the plugin screens so that you can reach out to us easily for any queries.
  • Minor enhancement for the product sync.

5.2.6 – 02/02/2023

  • We have fixed some issues in Google Analytics reporting dashboard and Google Ads conversion label list in pixel settings screen.
  • Also, we have added form validations in user onboarding and pixel settings screens.

5.2.5 – 24/01/2023

  • Performance Optimization in product sync process for Google merchant center.

5.2.4 – 19/01/2023

  • In this release, we have done UI enhancements for our plugin users in the configuration page, while also adding site verification and domain claim status now at all level checkpoints.
  • Conversios all in one plugin is also optimized to improve other plugins adaptability and security for our WordPress all in one plugin.

5.2.3 – 12/01/2023

  • In this release, we’ve introduced a new setting for Google Ads Conversion Id and Label in the pixel settings. Now you can accurately track your conversions and optimize your Google ads campaigns.
  • Minor fixes in Performance Max campaigns screen.

5.2.2 – 04/01/2023

  • In this release, we have made fixes in Advance Google Ads settings under the pixel settings tab to align few outliners.

5.2.1 – 02/01/2023

  • Minor bugs fixes and improvements.

5.2.0 – 27/12/2022

  • We have tinkered one the biggest asked in this release, which is to implement Facebook Conversion API. You can now submit significant events, like purchases or leads, to Facebook Ads by utilizing the Conversios API (FB CAPI) plugin. Better Facebook ad optimization and control over what data is being sent is now made possible via Conversios one single plugin.
  • With the above major inclusion of Facebook CAPI, we have also fixed a few minor dashboard and on-boarding problems (UI fixes) and Feature improvements for the product sync.

5.1.2 – 14/12/2022

In this release we have improved user onboarding adjustments, which will give users more control over their decisions, and we have also resolved a dashboard decimal point issue in the Product Performance Report.

5.1.1 – 05/12/2022

  • For a quicker and better user experience, we have improved the pixel settings in this release, giving you the option to add and update your Google ads conversion label.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements to the auto product sync feature are also included.

5.1.0 – 24/11/2022

  • The new release contains easy-to-implement updates to better adapt our Google Tag Manager capabilities, including the ability to deploy custom GTM features. For a hassle-free deployment of dynamic remarketing and conversion tags, we have also incorporated all pixels (Google ads, Facebook ads, Microsoft ads, Twitter ads, Pinterest ads, Snapchat ads, and Tiktok ads) option in onboarding.
  • We have added the how-to guides for pixel implementation.
  • Also, now Conversios eCommerce tracking is compatible with “YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce” and “YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce” plugins.

5.0.6 – 18/11/2022

  • In this release, we have modified the item data parameters for remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing events, to adapt the new changes at Google Ads guidelines. This upgrade will facilitate the adoption of the new Google Ads standards and improvements for remarketing.

5.0.5 – 15/11/2022

  • In this release, we have resolved Average order value UI issue in dashboard.

5.0.4 – 11/11/2022

  • We have changed the UI for the menu section.

5.0.3 – 09/11/2022

  • Fix: Minor bugs fixes.

5.0.2 – 09/11/2022

  • We have made UI changes to the pixel manager feature and we have updated the domain based pricing plans in UI.

5.0.1 – 21/10/2022

  • We have done minor UI changes in the new pixel settings screen.
  • Also, we have added user guide on how to use your own Google Tag Manager account using the plugin.

5.0.0 – 20/10/2022

  • Conversios is geared up for this festive season and with that Conversios is coming up with an array of much demanded features for its users.
  • Conversios is the best plugin available in the market for Google Analytics tracking for WooCommerce stores. It is for sure the fastest and the most efficient (95% accuracy guaranteed) plugin for data collection in Google Analytics and GA4.
  • At Conversios, we thrive to be your one stop solution for all the MarTech needs and keeping that in focus, we are bringing up 2 major feature updates that many of you were demanding for a while.
  • What are we bringing for you?
    Google Tag Manager based single click implementation for Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, and multiple ad pixel integrations like Meta, Snapchat, Tiktok, Pinterest, Google Ads, Twitter, Microsoft Bing Ads
    Use your own Google Tag Manager account with the conversios plugin.
  • What will you get out of it?
    1. Google Tag Manager based implementation helps in data collection accuracy and you have more control over your tags implemented on the website.
    2. Many website’s page speed decreases because of gtag.js implementation as it renders multiple Javascripts on the website. Google Tag Manager based implementation uses datalayer to push data to GA or other ad channels and it renders only once on your web page. Hence, your site speed will be intact with this approach.
    3. Debugging which events are tracking correctly or not becomes a lot easier in Google Tag Manager based implementation. Hence, less possibility of data leakage from your web store and more insights from the visitors.
    4. Google Tag Manager based implementation will prepare you for the next privacy-centric industry revolution leveraging first party cookies. Sooner or later stores like yours will have to go for server side tagging. GTM based implementation is our first step for you in that direction.
    5. If you want us to add any other pixel in the plugin, shout out and that will be done in 3 business days.

4.9.4 – 06/10/2022

  • Enhancement: Latest optimization will create smooth on-boarding for new and returning users, decreasing the page load time for configuration of Google analytics, Google Ads and GMC accounts.
  • We also changed our Conversios GA and Google Shopping Plugin Menu structure for better flow and easy naming convention.

4.9.3 – 27/09/2022

  • Changed the text domain for internationalization and making it compatible with other locales.

4.9.2 – 16/09/2022

  • In our latest release we have fixed the issues of product attribute mapping with SKU, GTIN and MPIN for variable products.

4.9.1 – 15/09/2022

  • Improvements and product optimization of auto scheduler for product sync. Users with sizable products will now have good time while running scheduler.

4.9.0 – 08/09/2022

  • The implemented feature will give Conversios users, the capability to customize “Google Analytics Event tracking” for their custom implementations on the WooCommerce store pages, which will help them not lose tracking on page events.

4.8.9 – 29/08/2022

Bug to “remove from cart” has been resolved when user updates product quantity in your woo-commerce store. We have also made some UI changes for easy transition and customer help.

4.8.8 – 22/08/2022

For ease of onboarding and better user understanding, we have enhanced our UI and content. Also we have fixed some minor issues wrt to the enhanced Conversion Tracking.

4.8.7 – 09/08/2022

  • Long awaited product sync feature is out for our Pro users. Now you can manage your product sync duration and product batch size on your own at your convenience.

4.8.6 – 04/08/2022

  • Fix: Minor bugs fixes.

4.8.5 – 03/08/2022

  • Performance optimization and improvements for Google Ads enhanced conversions tracking and Google Aanalytics 4 dashboard loading issue to some users.
  • Network site compatibility enabled.

4.8.4 – 21/07/2022

  • Fix: Code optimization in terms of Google Ads Conversion Tracking.

4.8.3 – 18/07/2022

  • New Feature (PRO) – Improve accuracy of ads Conversion Tracking by enabling Google Ads enhanced conversions. Users can also select the conversion label for specific Conversion Tracking (if any) in Google Ads.

4.8.2 – 12/07/2022

  • NEW: (PRO) You can also track your order refund in Google Analytics GA4 and GA3.

4.8.1 – 21/06/2022

  • Fix: In this release, optimzation of code in terms of Pmax Campaign.

4.8.0 – 20/06/2022

  • New:- Add the New Feature “Performance Max Campaigns” so From the plugin itself users can create a Pmax campaign within a few clicks to promote products across Google Search, Shopping, YouTube, Gmail, and the Display Network. He can also check the Campaign-wise performance report which gives visibility of Clicks, Cost, Conversion, and Sales of respective Campaigns.

4.7.5 – 07/06/2022

  • NEW: (PRO) Add the New features “Content Grouping” for Google Analytics tracking & “Google Optimize tracking”.

4.7.4 – 01/06/2022

  • Code optimization in terms of backend load time, onboarding spin wheel load time.

4.7.3 – 12/05/2022

  • Update: Google Ads API Libraries
  • Fix: Fetch GA4 measurement id list on the onboarding page, the issue for some users.
  • Fix: GA4 tracking – Checkout steps issue has been fixed.

4.7.2 – 21/04/2022

  • Tweak: Now, Customer can choose the tracking trigger for addTocart (product detail), checkout steps and thankyou page.
  • New: (PRO) Now compatible with WooCommerce custom attribute mapping for the brands (product) in the product sync.

4.7.1 – 13/04/2022

  • New: (PRO) Product sync feature now compatible with various Brand plugins like Perfect Brands for WooCommerce, YITH WooCommerce Brands️ and WooCommerce Brands.

4.7.0 – 05/04/2022

  • New: Facebook Pixel Conversion Tracking for major ecommerce events like Page view, Add to Cart, Initiate checkout, Purchase, View Content and Search events.
  • New: Compatible with Multi Currency plugins like “WOOCS”, “CURCY – Multi-Currency for WooCommerce” and “WBW Currency Switcher for WooCommerce”

4.6.9 – 21/03/2022

  • Fix: – Site verification issue for some users.

4.6.8 – 17/03/2022

  • New: In this release, we have add GA4 dashboard with important e-commerce reports.

4.6.7 – 11/03/2022

  • Fix: – Fixed the Google Ads converstion tracking issue for some users.

4.6.6 – 03/03/2022

  • New: In this release, we have enhanced and optimized in Google Analytics tracking event.
  • Tweak: Now, the admin user will be able to change the thank you page Conversion Tracking method while setting up the plugin under Google Analytics tab.
  • Tweak: Plugin will no longer be supported for the WooCommerce versions anything less than 2.8

4.6.5 – 16/02/2022

  • Fix – Fixed :- Onboarding loading issue for some users.

4.6.4 – 12/02/2022

  • New: With our New Feedback feature on Dashboard ,user can now share the feedback about the plugin
  • Tweak: We enhance the Product Sync feature wher user can choose the batch size for product sync
  • Fix -We fixed the import products from GMC

4.6.0 – 26/01/2022

  • In this release, bug fixed and performance improvement.
  • We have fixed the onboarding issue which was raised by some users.

4.5.9 – 17/01/2022

  • In this release we updated the Google Ads reports like Campaign performance, Smart Shopping and Product Performance & Product Partition.

4.5.1 – 10/12/2021

  • Plugin has enhanced the feature “Product Sync Compatibility” with the”YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On”.

  • Custom atributes read from JSON file issue got fixed.

  • Improvements in product feed sync feature.

4.4.1 – 15/11/2021

  • Earlier, agency owners having multiple Google Analytics accounts associated with a single email id used to face issues in loading all the Google Analytics accounts on the onboarding screen. We have added load more capability in order to provide smooth user experience

4.4.0 – 01/11/2021

  • In this release, we have added product type and custom attributes for the product sync capability which will help in enhancing your product feeds in Google Merchant Center. These attributed will automatically collected and pushed to GMC when you are syncing products.

4.3.4 – 21/10/2021

  • Site verification and domainc claim issue got fixed for the manually created merchant center accounts
  • Some users were facing difficulty on the onboarding page because of the access token expiry. The issue is fixed now.

4.3.1 – 08/10/2021

  • Pricing plans are updated in the UI

  • Performance enhancement for dashboard API

4.3.0 – 29/09/2021

  • We have added Campaign performance data in the dashboard. This will allow you to have visibility on your Google Ads campaigns. It will show you clicks, cost, conversions, and sales like important metric for each campaign so that you can take informed decisions to increase your marketing ROI.

  • Enhanced Google authentication flow in order to manage expiry of tokens.

  • Resolved some bugs on the onboarding page for better performance

4.2.1 – 21/09/2021

  • Enhancements on reporting dashboard

  • Some users were facing issue with regarding tvc_lc

  • client_id issue is fixed now

4.2.0 – 20/09/2021

  • In this release, we have rolled out the most demanded feature by you all – Reporting dashboard. Reporting dashboard will showcase all the important e-commerce KPI reports in the plugin’s UI.

  • Plugin UI enhancements

  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes

4.1.3 – 06/09/2021

  • Domain claim notice issue is resolved

4.1.2 – 02/09/2021

  • For some users, products were not auto-updated in the merchant center. The issue is fixed now and the free plugin will update the products in the merchant center at every 25 days interval.

  • We have now removed the onboarding sub-menu from WordPress dashboard section.

  • There was a discrepancy in the product data that was being shown to Product sync dashboard, it is now fixed.

  • Admin notice was not getting permanently closed for some users, we have fixed the issue now.

  • Performance enhancements for product sync functionality for Google Shopping.

4.1.1 – 24/08/2021

  • Fixed the issue for fetching Google Ads account for some store
  • Fixed WordPress backend stying bug

4.1.0 – 24/08/2021

  • Now, users can configure their Google accounts without leaving the WordPress interface. We have made plugin set up flow as seamless as possible.

4.0.1 – 06/08/2021

  • We have fixed Google Ads Conversion Tracking issue (Pro)

4.0.0 – 29/07/2021

  • Over the years, our team has worked tremendously hard in delivering the best possible version of the plugin delivered to you.
    We’ve traded a ton of ideas, feedback and suggestions from all of you who’ve been using this plug-in.
    It has given us a positive vote of confidence.
    We’re now taking a giant leap forward, by launching Conversios.
    With Conversios, we want to create an ecosystem of plugins that arm you with every analytical eye you need to make your business successful.
    Every ka-ching you get, adds to our reason to exist.
    We’re entrepreneurs just like you. The roads been full of ebbs and flows, and it always will be.
    With Conversios, we just wish to make it smoother for you.
    Do take a look and share your feedback & suggestions with us!

    • We have introduced first month free trial for all our pro plans. You can try out any of the pro plan free for month.

    • Major enhancements and improvements for product feed sync feature. Now, you will be able to sync unlimited products seamlessly.

    • Google Analytics tracking optimization – we have optimized the javascript code that will result in faster loading of your websites.

    • Dynamic Remarketing feature enhancement

    • Added advanced trackings for more enhanced data that can be used to better understand user journey and will help you in better retarget and improve the conversion %. (Pro)

    • Added one click plugin upgrade feature, user can now enter the license key from the plugin settings to active the pro plan.

    • Added account summary page

    • Optimized and migrated to latest Google Ads API for better and enhanced performance

    • UI bug of Shopping campaign cost is fixed.

3.1.0 – 15/06/2021

  • Enhanced user experience with new UI
  • Earlier some users were able to see 25 products only on product sync dashboard, the issue is fixed now
  • Added customized notifications to track the activty and functioning of plugin
  • Added customer support number to quickly reach out to us for any query
  • API performance enhancements

3.0.5 – 12/04/2021

  • Add auto product sync feature enhancement – In the background, every month runs a process to sync the product, Run only those products who are completed the manual product sync.

3.0.4 – 31/03/2021

  • UI bug issue solved
  • Fix to dismiss the admin notices permanentaly

3.0.3 – 30/03/2021

  • Added double check for auto site verification for merchant center accounts
  • Added double check for auto domain claim for merchant center accounts
  • Bug fix for HTTP_HOST php warning raised by some clients
  • User friendly feature notifications
  • Removal of Brand, GTIN and MPN custom product meta fields addition from the plugin

3.0.2 – 17/03/2021

  • Product sync feature enhancement – Users can now map upto 25 product attributes which will help them opt for enhanced listing in Google search/Shopping
  • Auto check on the attributes like id, product title, product description, product link, image link, offer id, price, target country, content language, Google Merchant Center category, sale price, availability, color, size, item_group_id. User does not need to worry about these attributes, the plugin will manage it in the back end when you opt for product syncing
  • Variable products are fully supported for 4 attributes – color, size, gender, age group.
  • Auto fetch of variable products data while syncing products into merchant center account
  • In case the domain claim fails, user can now manually claim website from plugin’s interface by visiting Google Shopping tab
  • Some users raised a undefined index notice in version 3.0.1 that is resolved in this version.

3.0.1 – 12/03/2021

  • Bug fixes
  • Performance improvement
  • Site speed issue got resolved.

3.0 – 08/03/2021

  • We have been working on this release for the last few months and we are happy to announce the release of highly demanded features by you. The major features include stand alone GA 4 tracking, automation of Dynamic Remarketing tags for ecommerce events and complete Google Shopping solution.
  • With this release users will be able to do stand alone Google Analytics 4 tracking for ecommerce events
  • ecommerce businesses can now select both universal analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties for ecommerce tracking
  • Users can now enable Google Ads remarketing tags on all pages
  • User can opt for Dynamic Remarketing tags automation for all major ecommerce events like view_item_list, view_item, add_to_cart, purchase
  • We are introducing complete Google Shopping solution that includes Google Merchant Center account management, Google Ads account linking with Google Merchant Center, seamless product sync from WooCommerce store to Google Merchant Center account, smart shopping campaign creation and management, smart shopping campaign reports so that ecommerce businesses can reach millions of shoppers across Google.
  • The Google Shopping solution is complemented with Dynamic Remarketing tags for ecommerce businesses, so you can instantly start running smart shopping campaigns to re target the users based on the past site behavior
  • Automatically verifies site and claims domain for Merchant center approval
  • Seamless product sync from WooCommerce store to Google Merchant Center and Opt your product data into programmes, like surfaces across Google (Free listing for Shopping tab under Google Search), Shopping ads, local inventory ads and Shopping Actions, to highlight your products to shoppers across Google.
  • Create a new Google Ads account using this plugin and get free coupon on the spends you do for first 31 days (Coupon amount depends on the country from which you are creating the Google Ads account)
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.0.0

1.0.10 – 26/09/2014

  • Allows user to set local currency
  • Captures Impressions, Product Clicks and Add to Cart on Featured Product section and Recent Product section on Homepage
  • Captures Impressions, Product Clicks and Add to Cart on Related Product section on Product Page