GR Dashboard Notes let you create notes on the dashboard for contacting editors, admins and other usergroups. You can publish 5 notes who will displayed at the top of the dashboard.
The author of this plugin make no warranties for the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work.
- Upload the plugin to “/wp-content/plugins/” directory. You can install the plugin through the WordPress plugin screen, too.
- Activate the plugin on the “Plugin”-Screen on your wordpress installation.
- Change the settings you want at the Settings Page (Settings -> GR Dashboard Notes).
- Press on Save.
How much Notes can be published?
You can publish till 5 notes simultaneously. You can publish a note to one or more user roles simultaneously too. A note have no setted line limit!
Contributi e sviluppo
“GR Dashboard Notes” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“GR Dashboard Notes” è stato tradotto in 1 lingua. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Traduci “GR Dashboard Notes” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- Fixed fatal error when more as one note per group is published
- Removed Author-URL
- Fixed translation-string errors
- Fixed counting notes notification
- Fixed kses_error
- First Release