LAZY SIGN-IN lets you easily create a login and sign-up page for your website. It also offers the required field and unique field verification features. It powers you to add fully customizable AJAX powered responsive signup and login form for your website.
LAZY SIGN-IN lets you create custom sign-up and login form with a single installation. You can easily create sign-up and login page using the shortcode [kwt_ajax_signup_form] and [kwt_ajax_login_form]. It also lets you add the custom fields in the sign-up form. You can add n number of sign-up fields and redirect users to specific page after sign-up from the back-end.
This plugin also auto-generates the username and password for the users who signup. What you have to do is just tick mark the ‘Auto-generate username’ and ‘Auto generate password’ boxes in the signup setting in the backend. It generates fully responsive sign-up page that uses AJAX.
You can add as many fields as you want in the signup form from the plugin settings. The best feature of the plugin is that you can keep the form fields ‘required’ as well as ‘unique’. Having ‘unique form fields’ is the biggest advantage of LAZY SIGN-IN plugin. Users can also modify the information they have provided while registering from User Meta Information in the profile page. What they need to do is update the information and save it. The system will automatically update the information in the database and consider the latest info from the next interaction.
You can also assign a specific role from the backend to the users who sign-up. Users will also be able to change their profile information after signing up.
Plugin Features
- Easy installation
- Separate login and signup pages
- Easy customization of login and signup forms
- Ability for add/remove fields in the signup form
- Ability to redirect users to specific page
- Can keep the form fields ‘required’ and ‘unique’
- Ability to assign roles to the users
- AJAX verification
- Free support
- Multi-lingual support
- Translation ready (Gujarati, Hindi)
PRO Plugin Features
- Customizable login form
- Link to Sign up page in login form
- Terms and condition checkbox
- CSS and JS inclusion on the shortcode applied pages only
- Minified CSS and JS to improved page speed
- Action hook on the successful registration
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Questa sezione descrive come installare il plugin e farlo funzionare.
- Installa il plugin tramite WordPress o scarica e carica il plugin nella directory /wp-content/plugins/
- Attiva il plugin attraverso il menu ‘Plugin’ di WordPress
- Use the shortcode [kwt_ajx_login_form] or [kwt_ajax_signup_form].
Come reindirizzare gli utenti ad una pagina specifica dopo la registrazione?
You can add the specific destination page URL from the Lazy Signup settings. Go through Lazy Sign In settings-> SIGN UP SETTINGS-> Redirection link after success. Add the link and save the changes.
Come aggiungere / rimuovere / personalizzare il campo del modulo di registrazione?
Go to the Lazy Sign In settings-> SIGN UP SETTINGS. Add the field name in the ADD NEW TEXT FIELD section. If you want the new field as require, check the require field checkbox. If you want the new field as unique, check the unique field checkbox. Save the changes
Come cambiare il ruolo degli utenti registrati?
Go to the Lazy Sign In settings-> SIGN UP SETTINGS. There is a drop-down menu named Assign Role. It will have the list of the roles in your site. Select the role you want to apply to the new registered user.
How unique field verification works?
The unique field will check for the registered user’s field if the same value found it would not allow the new user to register. For example, If I have the phone number field as unique, it won’t allow more than one user to register via the same phone number.
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“Lazy Sign-in” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“Lazy Sign-in” è stato tradotto in 5 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
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