Menu Item Duplicator


This plugin allows you to duplicate a menu item, sub-items included in Appearance > Menus.


  • Duplicate action shown in context


How does it work?

The “Duplicate” action is added to each menu item under Appearance > Menus. Clicking on it will duplicate the item and all its sub-elements.


5 Dicembre 2023 1 risposta
I’ve try to make it duplicate menu but it’s not working.
1 Luglio 2022 3 risposte
hi, i note a mid note because when you duplicate an item which is already in a structure menu (having a parent item), then the new duplicated item is located out-of-the parent node (it is created in the bottom position with no parent). so when you have a long menu structure, you have many scroll-mouse action to get the new one and placing it into the right same parent menu !
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Contributi e sviluppo

“Menu Item Duplicator” รจ un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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Release Date – 24 February 2022

  • Fix an issue where the “new tab” checkbox would always be checked when an item is duplicated


Release Date – 23 February 2022

  • Fix missing description when duplicating


Release Date – 15 October 2018

  • Initial release