An efficient system that easily translates to the specific needs of store, our plugin allows you to follow up on pre-sales in a comprehensive way.
In the last 2 years, we have now a whopping 7000+ stores using our plugin. We are very grateful for the community of users and we are always here to help.
Documentation | Support | Upgrade To Pro »
What is a Pre-Order plugin for WooCommerce?
Our Preorders for WooCommerce plugin is an efficient system that easily translates to the specific needs of the store, our plugin allows you to follow up on pre-sales in a comprehensive way.
What can WooCommerce Pre-orders do for your store?
Allowing WooCommerce Pre-orders in your store is a great opportunity to gain new customers or engage older ones. Engaging with your customers is critical before a product release, which is why we’ve created a plugin that covers all bases. Give customers a chance to pre-order so they’ll get their new item just as it becomes available.
This plugin is the lite version of the Pre-Orders for WooCommerce Pro plugin. It is packed with several features, but Pro allows for several different types of pre-order buying scenarios.
🌟 Pre-Orders for WooCommerce Free Version Features:
- Customize the “Add to Cart” button text.
- Set up a “pre-order” status for both simple and variable products.
- Choose a date when the pre-order product will be available.
- Make products available automatically as soon as the pre-order period ends.
- Prevent customers from adding pre-order products when they have already-available items on their carts.
- Notify users when products’ pre-order periods are over and they’ve become fully available.
- Case #4 is available in this free version
🌟 Pre-Orders for WooCommerce Pro Version Features 🌟
Our pro version includes all the current features in the free version but allows for some additional cases during the order process and features that may be beneficial for store owners.
- Manage all pre-orders through a specialized section: Pre-Orders
- Edit single product prices during the preorder period: fixed, percentage, or markup on the base price.
- Email Notification for users when products’ Pre-Order periods are over, and they’ve become fully available.
- Notify website admins when products’ Pre-Order periods are nearing their end, emailing them a set number of days before the date.
- Apply “pre-order” status to more than one product through a WordPress Bulk action grouped by category.
- Change Product Stock When Pre-order date Expired
- Filter all orders that include products ordered during the “pre-order” phase.
- Change existing Pre-Order Date and status using the bulk selection
- Pay Later for Pre-orders
- Fixed Payment Gateways for Pre-Orders
- Unify Shipping Costs
- Pre-Order Transition Status
- Add Custom Message for Pre-order Products
- Set Pre-order Date When The Order Placed
- Pre-defined Email Templates
- Pre-Order Badge
Case #1 – Treat the whole order as a pre-order.
If you choose this mode, the customer will be able to select a shipping date, and all products will be shipped together on that specific day.
That day will be limited to the latest pre-order date available, for instance, if the order has 3 different products marked as pre-order ones:
Product A will be available on the 1st of September
Product B will be available on the 3rd of September
Product C will be available on the 1st of October
Then, the minimum shipping date will be the 1st of October (i.e: the minimum date when all products will be available).
Case #2 – Generate two separate orders, one for pre-orders and one for in-stock products.
If you choose this mode, the customer will get two different orders generated, one for pre-order products and one for in-stock ones. For instance, if your order looks like this:
Product A is in-stock
Product B will be available on the 1st of September
Product C is in-stock
Then you will get an order which will be processed now, with products A and C, and then another order which will be shipped on the 1st of September.
Case #3 – Generate separate orders for each pre-order product.
If you choose this mode, then the customer will get one order for all in-stock products, and then one order for each pre-order product which will be shipped on each specific pre-order date.
Case #4 – Allow only pre-orders.
Use this mode if you want to only allow your customers to either choose pre-order products or available ones.
Documentation | Support | Upgrade To Pro »
If you have any issues at all with the free version of our plugin, please use the support tab section, so we can help you resolve them. We are continuing to improve and would love your feedback.
If you have any issues at all with the pro version of our plugin, we cannot support them here due to forum policies but can support them here on our website.
See what a few WooCommerce store owners are saying about Pre-orders for WooCommerce:
“Easy to install and configure, works as expected”.
– Vangelis Demeslis“The plugin works perfectly for what I need. I definitely recommend it. Thank you”. – garymurphycode
“Niloy did an excellent job helping us fix a few issues we found with the plugin. He responded quickly!”. -tcibene
Additional Variation Images for WooCommerce
Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce
Preorders for WooCommerce PRO
Deposits for WooCommerce PRO
How can I report security bugs? 🐞
You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team helps validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.
Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce allows you to create, delete and edit order statuses to control the flow of your orders better.
Order Delivery Date Time & Pickup for WooCommerce During the checkout process, customers can effortlessly choose a delivery date and time for their orders.
Show Stock for WooCommerce
Order Status Control for WooCommerce
Disable Email Notifications for WooCommerce
Minimum Requirements
- PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended
- MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended
Automatic installation
Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handles the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”
In the search field type “Preorders for WooCommerce” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.
Manual installation
Manual installation method requires downloading the WooCommerce Pre Orders plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.
Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.
I want the customer to be able to select a preorder date, how can customers select a shipping date?
Customers can select a preorder date on the checkout page.
Is there a way to release the preorders before the original due date that we set?
The free version of our plugin does not allow this feature. To modify the existing preorder date, you will need to purchase the premium version
Is detailed documentation available?
Yes, you can find the documents by this link.
Does the Preorder plugin work with subscription products?
Preorder plugin is not compatible with subscription products at this moment.
Is the customer’s credit card charged when the order is placed, or when the product becomes available?
the customer is charged when the order/preorder is placed.
Is it possible to manually translate your pre-order plugin via Poedit (.po/.mo files)?
Yes, this is possible.
To set up a “preorder” status for both simple and variable products, do you need the pro version?
No, you can set up a “preorder” status for simple and variable products in the free version as well.
Is the extension compatible with my theme?
This plugin works on the backend, so it will not affect your theme in most cases.
Do you plan on adding to the plugin?
We do take feature requests here.
Contributi e sviluppo
“Pre-Orders for WooCommerce” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
CollaboratoriTraduci “Pre-Orders for WooCommerce” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
2.0.2 – 28 Nov 2024
- Fixed:
issue with WordPress 6.7.1 - Update: Composer dependencies
- Support for WooCommerce 9.4.x
- Support for WordPress 6.7.1
2.0.1 – 07 May 2024
- Added: Declare Incompatible with ‘cart_checkout_blocks’
- Added: Requires Plugins tag for WooCommerce
- Update: Composer dependencies
- Fixed: Update Option Framework
Support for WooCommerce 8.8.x
Support for WordPress 6.5.3
2.0 – 29 Sep 2023
- Fixed: Cardlink & WooCommerce Payfast payment gateway not sending preorder emails
- Fixed: PHP 8.2 fatal error
- Update: Plugin Settings Framework
- Update: .pot file for translation
- Update: New option for toggle “shipping date” field on the checkout page
- Update: New option for enabling Pre-Order Bagde
1.2.14 – 29 Sep 2023
- Fixed: bug fix
1.2.13 – 14 Aug 2023
- Fixed: Pre-order email notification conflict with 3rd party gateway plugins
- Fixed: Status “Processing” and not “pre-ordered” when payment method COD
- Support for WooCommerce 8.0
1.2.12 – 10 May 2023
- Update remote notification API
- Update appsero SDK
- Support for WooCommerce 7.6
1.2.11 – 20 Feb 2023
- Added: Two Elementor widgets.”Pre-order Products” for displaying pre-order products on any page and “Pre-Order available date” for displaying the preorder available date on a custom single product page.
- Added: Compatibility with COT/HPOS
- Added: Option for changing the pre-ordered status name
- Fixed: Overload API request.
1.2.10 – 16 Dec 2022
- Tweak: Code Refactor
- Tweak: Support for showing preorder cart notice into the mini-cart widget
- Added: wpml-config.xml file for WPML support
- Support for WooCommerce 7.2
1.2.9 – 27 Oct 2022
- Tweak: Rename ‘preorders’ with ‘Pre-Orders’
- Tweak: Add preorder variable notice under the inventory tab since some user think it’s not works with variable products
- Add: Customer Pre-Order email Template for notification (Pre-Order Order)
- Add: Admin Pre-Order email Template for notification (New pre-order)
- Fix: Orders will change to “pre-ordered” status if and only if they have been paid + support for when order payment fails
- Support for WordPress 6.1
- Support for WooCommerce 7.0
1.2.8 – 8 Sep 2022
- Add: Preorder Transition status option
- Fix: Multisite WooCommerce error notice
- Fix: sync for preorder run twice a day instead of hourly
- Support for WooCommerce 6.0.2
- Support for WooCommerce 6.8.2
1.2.7 – 11 Jun 2022
- Add: BrightPlugins admin menu for quick navigation
- Support for WooCommerce 6.5.1
- Support for WooCommerce 6.x
- Bug Fixএড
1.2.6 – 27 Apr 2022
- Update: .pot file
- Fix: Preorder button label blank issue
- Fix: media folder path issue
- Support for WooCommerce 6.4.1
1.2.5 – 2 Dec 2021
- Fix: Banner overlapping with setting panel
1.2.4 – 25 Nov 2021
- Support for WooCommerce 5.9.x
1.2.3 – 8 Oct 2021
- Fixed: preorder button text show for variable products if the preorder date expired.
- Support for WooCommerce 5.7.x
1.2.2 – 30 Jul 2021
- Fixed : reformat checkout page preorder date field “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss” to “YYYY-MM-DD”
- Fixed : Broken layout issue on click preoder settings “save” button
- Fixed : Cart preoder notice not showing
- Fixed : Empty value for settings options
1.2.1 – 8 Apr 2021
- Enhancement : Edit the preorder cart notice from preorder settings tab.
- Fixed : Available date is not showing in product page
- Code refactor
1.2 – 8 Apr 2021
- Add : new option to show preorder available date before add to cart button.
- Fixed : Email notification issue
1.1.5 – 29 Mar 2021
- Fixed : single product page conflict with oceanWP theme
1.1.4 – 9 Mar 2021
- Fixed : style for date pickter on the for checkout field
- Fixed: customer order note not sent email notification
- Fixed: WC 5.0 version compability
1.1.3 – 22 Jan 2021
- Fixed : block preorder not working
1.1.2 – 11 Dec 2020
- Fixed : Wrong notice display when customer trying to add to cart preorder products from variation.
- Remove : black friday offer banner
1.1.1 – 26 Nov 2020
- Code refactor
- Small bugfixes
- Added : New Pre-Order email template for admin
- Added : ‘preorder_avaiable_date_text_cart’ filter add for preorder product cart notice.
1.1 – 19 Nov 20
- Added : ‘change_order_status_on_preorder_date’ filter for change the order status on preorder date arrive. default ‘wc-completed’.
- Added : blackfriday banner
- Fixed : translation issue.
- Fixed : Prevent enter past dates for preorder products
1.0.11 – 19 Nov 2020
- Added : ‘change_order_status_on_preorder_date’ filter for change the order status on preorder date arrive. default ‘wc-completed’.
- Fixed : translation issue.
- Fixed : Prevent enter past dates for preorder products
- Updated .pot file
- Added ‘set_free_shipping_min_amount’ filter for minium free shipping ammount
- Added ‘shop_have_free_shipping_based_on_amount’ filter for enable free shipping based on ammount
- Fixed Wrong Notification [pending payment] sent on preorder invoice to the customers.
- Fixed Not Sent email Notification to admin for new Order [pre-order].
- Fixed Wrong preorder notice appear on checkout page
- Added language catalog files
- Added Settings link into plugin action.
- Fixed Auto complete order issue
- Small fixes, wording change
- Fixed duplicated order bugs
- Fixed mixed cart bug
- Added proper customer notifications
- Fixed empty order bug
- Fixed wrong days issue in the cart page
- Fixed CSS conflicts with jQuery UI’s calendar
- Fixed texts
- Fixed critical error on cart
- Fixed checkout bug with shipping hook