Remove Checkout Fields for Woocommerce is simple plugin that lets you hide/remove default woocommerce checkout fields with few clicks. The plugin is suitable for those who are looking to remove fields without touching the code. This plugin is only for removing the fields, if you want to add new fields or more customization options then you can use Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce plugin but this plugin can be overkill if you are just looking to remove fields.
With this plugin you can
- Remove Billing Address Fields.
- Remove Shipping Address Fields.
- Remove Order Notes Box.
- After Plugin activation you will be redirected to settings page. You can also access settings page directly by clicking on settings link present on plugin.
- In Settings, you can simply enable/check the fields that you want to remove.
- Save Changes
Future Updates will include
- Removal of fields only if specific product is found in cart
- Removal of fields for only specific product types (simple, variable, virtual etc)
- Removal of fields only if cart price is zero.
Can I remove Email field?
Email field removal option is not included on purpose because email field is used to notify the customers about their order. Moreover, your payment gateway (for example Stripe) will use Email field and show it in dashboard. Still, if you need Email field removal included, you can inform me at wordpress support forum.
Contributi e sviluppo
“Remove Checkout Fields for Woocommerce” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- Readme.txt updated
- Readme.txt updated
- Headers already Sent issue Fixed
- Moved Order Notes Box Filter outside of Callback function for Woocommecre Checkout fields Filter
- Compatibility Test with WordPress 6.0.3
- Initial release.