RSS ReadMore Link allows you to add a custom read more link to your RSS feeds.
The link will be added to the description-field in the RSS XML.
This is useful for situations such as:
- Other websites are consuming and presenting the content of your RSS feed but not linking to the article.
- You want to send more traffic to your website.
- Go to your admin area and select Plugins Add New from the menu.
- Search for “RSS ReadMore Link”.
- Click install.
- Click activate.
- Navigate to Settings RSS ReadMore Link.
Contributi e sviluppo
“RSS ReadMore Link” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.
- Functioanlity to inject link to RSS feed.
- Options-page to edit link-text.