Questo plugin non è stato testato con le ultime 3 versioni principali (major releases) di WordPress. Potrebbe non essere più mantenuto, o supportato, e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità se utilizzato con versioni più recenti di WordPress.

Business Time


This plugin allows you to display some beautiful schedules on your wordpress by using simple shortcode.

To begin, let’s display an empty schedule by typing [schedule show-all-days="true"] on your page or post.

To fill the availabilities, you should use the following attributes :"mo","tu","we","th,"fr',sa","su"

Exemple : [schedule mo="10h00-14h00" su="09h30-13h00|15h00-19h00"]

As you’ve seen in the first example there are some addtional attributes to display empty days.

There are two of them :

  1. show-all-days which displays the entire week (monday to sunday)
  2. show-week-days which displays only the business days (monday to friday)

Both of them take a boolean value (true or false). If you leave them empty or with another value it will be considered false.

Exemple : [schedule show-week-days="true" mo="10h00-13h00"]

You can choose the color used to fill your schedule by providing a color tag. This one accept hexadecimal format such as color="#003300" or html color color="pink". Don’t forget the # before your code !

Exemple : [schedule show-week-days="true" mo="10h00-13h00" color="orange"]


  • A view of a shortcode used in a post article
  • Here is a render of the schedule


Simply install and enable the plugin, you should be able to use it on your posts and articles right after that 🙂


Non ci sono recensioni per questo plugin.

Contributi e sviluppo

“Business Time” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.




  • Enable plugin on new post page.
  • Add plugin icon.


  • Fix some bugs.


  • New name for this plugin !
  • Code improvement.


  • Implementation of default style and responsive version.


  • Add translation system for admin panel (fr).


  • Fix a bug with js tinymce.


  • Add french translation for the name of the days in frontend.
  • Code improvements


  • Add a button to content editor to set up and insert the shortcode with a configuration window.


  • First release, you can use shortags 😀