Simple PayU LATAM features:
- Fixed or Custom payment amount options. You can have a product with a fixed price or can allow users to enter the amount, in example they pay for an invoice.
- Invoice field. Allow your customer to specify the invoice number they are paying for, the invoice number appearing in your payment gateway transaction.
- Product description. Add product description before the payment button and on the pop-up form.
- Customize button texts. Easily change the text shown on the buttons, in example “Click here to pay”, “Buy for only 19.99” etc.
- Transaction details get saved for later use.
- Template function ready
- Shortcode ready
Installing Simple PayU LATAM plugin
- Install the plugin as any other WordPress plugin
- Create Simple PayU LATAM forms per your needs
- Place shortcodes of buttons in your posts etc
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- Simple PayU LATAM Released