The easiest way to add the social icon font Socicon to your WordPress site! Instant access to over 100 social icons, Socicon is a lightweight alternative to FontAwesome for displaying social icons.
See the Socicon Documentation for instructions on using Socicon on your WordPress site.
The following icons are available with Socicon:
- 500px
- 8tracks
- Airbnb
- Alliance
- Amazon
- Amplement
- Android
- AngelList
- Apple
- Baidu
- Bandcamp
- beam
- BeBee
- Bebo
- Behance
- Blizzard
- Blogger
- Buffer
- Chrome
- Coderwall
- Curse
- Dailymotion
- Deezer
- Delicious
- DeviantArt
- Diablo
- Digg
- Discord
- Disqus
- Douban
- Draugiem
- Dribbble
- Drupal
- eBay
- Ello
- Endomodo
- Envato
- Etsy
- Feedburner
- Filmweb
- Firefox
- Flattr
- Flickr
- Formulr
- Forrst
- Foursquare
- FriendFeed
- GitHub
- Goodreads
- Google Scholar
- Google Photos
- Google+
- Grooveshark
- HackerRank
- Hearthstone
- Hellocoton
- Heroes of the Storm
- Hitbox
- Horde
- Houzz
- icq
- IMDb
- Issuu
- iStock
- iTunes
- KeyBase
- Lanyrd
- LiveJournal
- Lyft
- macOS
- Medium
- Meetup
- Mixcloud
- Model Mayhem
- Mumble
- Myspace
- Newsvine
- Nintendo
- npm
- Odnoklassniki
- OpenID
- Opera
- Outlook
- Overwatch
- Patreon
- PayPal
- Periscope
- Persona
- Play
- Player
- Playstation
- Quora
- RaidCall
- Ravelry
- Renren
- ResearchGate
- Resident Advisor
- ReverbNation
- ShareThis (Servizio di condivisione)
- Skype
- SlideShare
- SmugMug
- Snapchat
- Songkick
- SoundCloud
- Spotify
- Stack Exchange
- Stack Overflow
- StarCraft
- StayFriends
- Steam
- Storehouse
- Strava
- StreamJar
- StumbleUpon
- Swarm
- TeamSpeak
- TeamViewer
- Technorati
- Telegram
- TripAdvisor
- TripIt
- Triple J
- Tumblr
- Twitch
- Uber
- Ventrilo
- Viadeo
- ViewBug
- Vimeo
- Vine
- VKontakte
- Warcraft
- Wikipedia
- Windows
- WordPress
- Wykop
- Xbox
- Yahoo
- Yammer
- Yandex
- Yelp
- YouNow
- YouTube
- Zapier
- Zerply
- Zomato
- Zynga
Socicon Icone 1-24 Socicon Icone 25-48 Socicon Icone 49-72 Socicon Icone 73-96 Socicon Icone 97-109 Socicon includes the WordPress logo Socicon also includes useful icons such as Mail so you can use Socicon for sharing links. Looking to display a PayPal payment link on your site? Use Socicon to display a PayPal icon for quick identification. Even RSS feed links can use Socicon’s RSS icon!
- Install Socicon either through your WordPress Plugins screen or by uploading the files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.
- Activate Socicon.
- Begin adding Socicon icons throughout your site!
Contributi e sviluppo
“Socicon” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
CollaboratoriTraduci “Socicon” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- Version bump, compatible with WordPress 6.0.1
- Compatible with WordPress 4.8.1
- Added Icons: BeBee, Hitbox, ReverbNation, Formulr, Discord, Issuu, Firefox, Chrome, Opera,, Warcraft, Diablo, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, StarCraft, Keybase, LiveJournal, Etsy, Google Photos, Google Scholar, Zapier, ResearchGate, WeChat, Strava, LINE, Lyft, Uber, Songkick, ViewBug, Google Groups, Blizzard, HackerRank, npm
- Compatible with WordPress 4.5
- Add Icons: Medium, Telegram, OpenID, Amplement, Viber, Tomato, Quora, Dragiem, Endomondo, Filmweb, Stackexchange, Wykop, Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Raidcall, Mumble, Younow and Teamviewer.
- Update Socicon font files
- Fix PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant screen – assumed ‘screen’ in /wp-content/plugins/socicon/socicon.php on line 17
- Version bump, compatible with WordPress 4.4
- Update plugin screenshots
- Add Icons: Snapchat, Weibo, Douban, Baidu, QQ, Renren, Google, Yandex, eBay, IMDb, StayFriends, DEEZER, ShareThis, band camp, iTunes and Resident Advisor.
- Remove Icon:
- Update Socicon font files
- Update organization of icons in stylesheet for easier maintenance.
- Add support for class ‘socicon-google-play’ to display Play Store icon.
- Add Icon: Ravelry
- Update Icons: Google+, YouTube
- Update CSS for better font-rendering
- FIX: icon CSS
- Add Icons: WhatsApp, Storehouse, icq, Model Mayhem, iStock, AngelList and Periscope.
- Version bump for first stable release
- Add Gulp and Sass
- Make CSS selectors more specific to prevent conflicts
- Serve minified CSS file.