Tag: styles
LH Dequeue Buddypress
(0 valutazioni totali)Dequeue the scripts and styles that buddypress adds for non logged in users.
LH Dequeue Woo
(0 valutazioni totali)Restrict the scripts and styles that woocommerce adds to your aite.
Asset Finder
(0 valutazioni totali)Finds and allows late-loading and removal of the scripts and styles enqueued on your website.
WP Which Fonts?
(1 valutazioni totali)Outputs a list of fonts used on any front end page in the javascript console.
Advance Themes Assistant – Theme Customization, Optimization, and Support
(0 valutazioni totali)Themes Assistant: Enhance your WordPress with theme helpers, Elementor widgets, and advanced theme options for a seamless design experience.
CSS Class Manager – An advanced autocomplete additional css class control for your blocks
(1 valutazioni totali)Empower block editing with advanced CSS autocomplete in CSS Class Manager.
LH Dequeue the Event Calendar
(0 valutazioni totali)Restrict the scripts and styles that the Event Calendar adds to your site.
Block Styles
(0 valutazioni totali)Change the way styles for blocks get loaded, optimize your site's performance and sustainability!