Se hai realizzato il tuo negozio online con WooCommerce ed utilizzi Danea Easyfatt come gestionale, WooCommerce Importer per Danea è lo strumento che ti serve perché le due piattaforme siano in grado di comunicare.
Con questa versione sarai in grado di importare clienti e fornitori, con quella premium anche prodotti e ordini.
Certificato Danea Easyfatt
- Importazione clienti
- L’importazione di clienti e fornitori supporta ora i campi fiscali utilizzati anche dall’Exporter.
- (Premium) Opzione per escludere il nome del prodotto dalla sincronizzazione
- (Premium) Opzione per escludere l’URL del prodotto dalla sincronizzazione
- (Premium) Importazione del campo Produttore di Danea come attributo di prodotto WooCommerce
- (Premium) Opzione per mostrare o meno il campo Produttore in front-end
- (Premium) Importazione dei campi aggiuntivi di Danea come attributi di prodotto WooCommerce
- (Premium) Possibilità di assegnare un nome personalizzato agli attributi creati con l’importazione dei campi aggiuntivi di Danea
- (Premium) Opzione per mostrare o meno il campo Produttore in front-end
Dalla tua bacheca WordPress
- Vai su ‘Plugin > Aggiungi nuovo’
- Cerca “WooCommerce Importer for Danea” e scaricalo.
- Attiva WooCommerce Importer per Danea dalla tua pagina Plugin.
- Una volta attivato, vai su WooCommerce/ WC Importer per Danea.
- Download WooCommerce Importer for Danea
- Carica la cartella ‘wc-importer-for-danea’ nella directory ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ del tuo sito, usando il tuo metodo preferito (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Attiva WooCommerce Importer per Danea dalla tua pagina Plugin.
- Una volta attivato, vai su WooCommerce/ WC Importer per Danea.
Contributi e sviluppo
“WooCommerce Importer for Danea” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“WooCommerce Importer for Danea” è stato tradotto in 1 lingua. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Traduci “WooCommerce Importer for Danea” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
Release Date: 18 September 2023
- Enhancement: (Premium) Progress bar on products import
- Enhancement: WordPress translation system
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: (Premium) ilGhera admin notice
- Update: Translations
- Bug fix: Unencoded characters in plugin’s options page
- Bug fix: (Premium) Unencoded characters in Danea’s error message
- Bug fix: (Premium) New products attributes not created during the import
Release Date: 1 August 2023
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea Notes field as short product description
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Danea custom fields as product tags
- Enhancement: (Premium) Split Danea custom fields values by commas and create tags/attributes
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option append tags on importing Danea custom fields
- Enhancement: Better user interface
- Enhancement: WordPress Coding Standard
- Enhancement: (Premium) More details in log file in case of products/variations not imported/updated
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: Translations
- Bug fix: (Premium) Custom label not assigned to Danea custom fields imported
Release Date: 16 March 2023
- Update: (Premium) Action Scheduler
- Update: (Premium) Plugin Update Checker
- Update: (Premium) License notice
- Bug fix: Error importing users by CSV file with contents in multiple lines
Release Date: 7 October 2021
- Enhancement: Replace all WooCommerce products in case of full update coming from Danea Easyfatt
- Enhancement: Danea “Notes” fied content can now be used in place of “HTML description” if missing
- Bug fix: Special characters not allowed in product title.
Release Date: 5 March 2021
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import and display in front-end the supplier name
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import and display in front-end the supplier product code
- Bug fix: (Premium) Import variable products with no sku via CSV
- Bug fix: (Premium) No update of variations based on custom attributes previously imported via CSV
Release Date: 10 February 2021
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude new products import if not in stock
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude variations prices from products update
Release Date: 19 April 2020
- Enhancement: (Premium) Action Scheduler library is now used to synchronize products
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude product URL from updates
Release Date: 05 February 2020
- Enhancement: Import customers
- Enhancement: Customers and suppliers import now supports the fiscal fields coming from the Exporter plugin.
- Enhancement: New product sub-menu for a better navigation
- Enhancement: (Premium) Avoid product name update with a dedicated option
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Producer from Danea and add it to the product as attribute
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option for showing the Producer in front-end or not
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import Danea custom fields and add them to the product as attributes
- Enhancement: (Premium) Add a name to the custom fields coming from Danea
- Enhancement: (Premium) Option for showing the custom fields in front-end or not
Release Date: 24 January, 2018
- Enhancement: Update users imported if already present.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea tax classes imported during synchronization.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Choose which Danea menu list use for the WooCommerce regular price, and a second one for the sell price.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Import product weight and dimension from Danea, gross or net.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Use part of the Danea product description for the short description in WooCommerce.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Exclude product description in update synchronizations.
- Enhancement: (Premium) New products imported can now be published directly.
- Enhancement: (Premium) New plugin update checker.
- Bug fix: PHP Notices
Release Date: 11 April, 2016
- Enhancement: Shop manager can now handle the plugin options.
- Enhancement: Better tabs navigation.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Now you can import/ update products directly from Danea (Ctrl+P)
- Enhancement: (Premium) Danea sizes and colors now are imported as WooCommerce variations.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Choose if import also product images.
- Enhancement: (Premium) WooCommerce variations previously exported, now are imported correctly linked to the parent product.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Now are imported also the subcategories.
- Enhancement: (Premium) Using the supplier as post author is now an option.
Release Date: 06 November, 2016
- Enhancement: If the Company field is presents, the name will be moved to referent.
- Enhancement: Added the Shipping address.
- Enhancement: Fiscal code and P.IVA fields are now recognized by checking the specific plugin installed.
Release Date: 10 October, 2016
- First release