Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, SEPA, iDEAL, giropay, Alipay, and more directly on your store with the Stripe payment gateway for WooCommerce, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay for mobile and desktop.
Accetta pagamenti con carte di credito facilmente e direttamente sul tuo negozio.
Il plugin Stripe estende WooCommerce consentendoti di accettare pagamenti direttamente dal tuo negozio attraverso le API di Stripe.
Stripe is available for Store Owners and Merchants in:
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgio
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Cipro
- Repubblica Ceca
- Danimarca
- Estonia
- Finlandia
- Francia
- Germania
- Grecia
- Hong Kong
- Irlanda
- Italia
- Giappone
- Lettonia
- Lituania
- Lussemburgo
- Malesia
- Malta
- Messico
- Paesi Bassi
- Nuova Zelanda
- Norvegia
- Polonia
- Portogallo
- Porto Rico
- Singapore
- Slovacchia
- Slovenia
- Spagna
- Svezia
- Svizzera
- Regno Unito
- Stati Uniti d’America
- with more being added
Stripe è un modo semplice per accettare pagamenti online. Con Stripe puoi accettare carte Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, e Diners Club. Anche Bitcoin. Direttamente dal tuo negozio.
Perché scegliere Stripe?
Stripe non ha costi di attivazione, canoni mensili, o costi nascosti: pagherai soltanto quando incassi! I tuoi incassi sono accreditati sul tuo conto di 7 giorni in 7 giorni.
Stripe also supports the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension and re-using cards. When a customer pays, they are set up in Stripe as a customer. If they create another order, they can check out using the same card. A massive timesaver for returning customers.
Supporto ad Apple Pay
WooCommerce Stripe includes Apple Pay support, which means customers can pay using payment details associated with their Apple ID. Checkout is now just an authorization (Touch ID or Face ID) away on both mobile and desktop. Only supports simple, variable, and Subscription products for now. More support to come.
Supporto alle API Web Payments
WooCommerce Stripe includes Web Payments API support, which means customers can pay using payment details associated to their mobile devices, in browsers supporting the Web Payments API (Chrome for Android, amongst others). Checkout is now just a few taps away on mobile. Only supports simple, variable, and Subscription products for now. More support to come.
Puoi scaricare una versione precedente di questo plugin da qui.
Nota, la v4 di questo gateway richiede WooCommerce 3.0 e successivi.
Installazione automatica
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of the WooCommerce Stripe plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type “WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly, of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”, then “Activate”.
Installazione manuale
L’installazione manuale richiede che tu scarichi il plugin e lo carichi sul server con il tuo programma FTP preferito. Il codex di WordPress contiene tutte le informazioni per farlo.
Gli aggiornamenti automatici dovrebbero funzionare egregiamente, tuttavia come sempre é consigliabile effettuare un backup per qualsiasi evenienza.
Supporta i pagamenti ricorrenti, ad esempio per gli abbonamenti?
Questo richiede un certificato SSL?
Yes! In Live Mode, an SSL certificate must be installed on your site to use Stripe. In addition to SSL encryption, Stripe provides an extra JavaScript method to secure card data using Stripe Elements.
Supporta sia la modalità in produzione che quella sandbox per i test?
Yes, it does – production and Test (sandbox) mode is driven by the API keys you use with a checkbox in the admin settings to toggle between both.
Dove posso trovare la documentazione?
For help setting up and configuring, please refer to our documentation.
Dove posso trovare supporto o parlare con altri utenti?
Se incontri problemi, chiedi aiuto nel forum del plugin.
Contributi e sviluppo
“WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway” è stato tradotto in 33 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Traduci “WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
8.6.1 – 2024-08-09
- Tweak – Improves the wording of the invalid Stripe keys errors, instructing merchants to click the “Configure connection” button instead of manually setting the keys.
- Add – Includes a new promotional surface to encourage merchants to re-connect their Stripe account using the new flow.
- Add – Added filter to enable updating Level 3 data based on order data.
- Add – Replace account key sharing and replace it with an OAuth connect flow allowing users to connect their Stripe account automatically without the need to find keys.
- Add – Indicate the activation status of each payment method individually, instead of using a general notice.
- Fix – JS error when billing country field does not exist on the payment method page.
- Fix – Prevent multiple instances of the “Update the Payment Method” checkbox from displaying on the My Account > Payment Methods page when using the legacy checkout experience.
- Fix – Prevent duplicate customer creation during guest checkout.
- Fix – Hiding Multibanco payment method when the Stripe account country is not supported.
- Fix – Display the payment decline reason on the checkout when using Cash App or WeChat.
- Fix – Re-enable the “Place order” button on the block checkout after closing the WeChat or Cash App payment modal.
- Fix – When SEPA tokens are added via the My Account > Payment methods page, ensure they are attached to the Stripe customer.
- Fix – Clear the saved Stripe Link payment methods when a customer cache is cleared to ensure cached methods are updated promptly.
- Fix – Display Stripe Link payment methods correctly in both Block Checkout and My Account pages.
- Fix – Resolve an error when adding a saved card payment method in My Account when Stripe Link is enabled.
- Fix – Resolved an error when using 3D Secure-enabled cards with Stripe Link enabled.
- Fix – Corrected setup intent payment method types to include ‘link’ when Stripe Link is enabled, resolving errors during subscription signups.
- Fix – Resolved an issue where changing the payment method for subscriptions failed after 3D-Secure authentication.
- Fix – Prevent displaying the default admin description on the checkout page when a payment method description is empty.
- Fix – Adds back the ability to perform direct refunds for giropay orders via the order details page.
- Fix – After configuring webhooks automatically ensure only the latest webhook endpoint is active, deleting duplicates configured manually.
- Fix – Resolved PHP errors related to detaching payment methods after failed 3D-Secure challenges.
- Tweak – Minor text updates to webhook-related configuration labels and buttons.
- Tweak – Improve UX by using the 3DS verification modal to confirm setup intents for subscription sign-ups, ensuring customers stay on the checkout page.
- Tweak – Display a notice when the Stripe connect URL is not available.
- Fix – Prevent adding multiple copies of the same order notes.
- Tweak – Automatically configure webhooks after completing the OAuth Stripe flow.
- Tweak – Don’t process webhooks when the webhook secret isn’t set in the store.