With WP htaccess Optimize, you can easily optimize the performance of your site by configuring your htaccess in bit clicks
optimisation available:
- Time zone selection
- Prevents indexing of folders without index.php
- Disable the server signature
- Block Sensitive Files
- Protect WP-includes
- Protect author link
- Block author scans
- Enabling the tracking of symbolic links
- Comment spam
- Protection against file injections
- Various protections ( XSS, clickjacking and MIME-Type sniffing )
- Disable the hotlinking of your pictures
- Redirect without WWW
- Redirect http to HTTPS
- Caching files in the browser
- Disabled headers ETags
- Compress static files
- Unzip WP htaccess Optimize into your plugin folder
- Go to WP htaccess Optimize settings, and select yours htaccess options
- save it
Contributi e sviluppo
“WP htaccess Optimize (beta)” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- 30 march 2018
- Change TimeZone to UTC selector
- 27 november 2018
- Add ‘Asia/Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville’ time zone option
- 05 may 2018
- Adding cache control for ETags and prevent php errors
- 18 april 2018
- In time zone option, declare a default value to the variable out of the condition to prevent php errors
- Remove wrong setting in “Prevents indexing of folders without index.php”, that crashes for old versions when activate
- 11 april 2018
- Launching