WP Upload Restriction


This plugin allows you to restrict your site users from uploading files of certain types and control the maximum file upload size. Administrator can select the file types and file upload limit by user role. This plugin restricts users from uploading unwanted files using the WordPress media uploader.

It is very simple to use. You will be able give permissions role wise. To restore WordPress’s default selection, just deactivate the plugin.

Any issue? Please let me know (http://sajjadhossain.com/contact-me/).


  • Settings – Restriction page
  • Settings – Custom File Type management page


  1. Upload wp-upload-restriction folder to the plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Attivare il plugin tramite il menu ‘Plugin’ di WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > WP Upload Restriction settings page.
  4. Check/uncheck the extensions you want to allow/deny for each role.
  5. Check “Restrict upload size to” checkbox to restrict file upload size and enter the file size in MB.
  6. Save the changes.

To return back to WordPress’s default selection, just deactivate the plugin.


23 Luglio 2024
This is probably the only one of its kind on the wordpress plugin market and I am so happy it not only works, but that it had been updated. Works perfectly fine for Wordpress 6.6. Thank you so much for this!
22 Dicembre 2022
Hace meses que no se actualiza y da mensajes de error al intentar configurarlo.
25 Giugno 2021
It only shows “Settings could not be saved.” and does nothing. In support section there is several topics for this issue without answer or solution.
6 Novembre 2020
Nothing happens, loading animation all the time in “Restrictions”, nothing happens when you try to add a custum file type.
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 13

Contributi e sviluppo

“WP Upload Restriction” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.




  • Fixed: Limit unit was saving but not showing the actual selection.
  • Tested with WP version 6.5.5


  • Fixed security related issues.


  • Minor fixes.


  • New feature: Added option for selecting file size unit (MB and KB).
  • Compatibility check.


  • New feature: Added option for managing custom file type.
  • UI improvements


  • Role wise file upload size restriction added.
  • Fixed some minor issues.


  • Fixed design break in settings page.


  • Restructured the plugin to add role wise restriction.