volevo scaricare un plugin per il back up ma non riesco a scaricare nulla (sempre problema FTP)
la verifica dei permessi di scrittura indicati per me sono troppo complicati da seguire, ho aperto un ticket con shellrent per vedere se mi possono aiutare in tal senso.
L’upgrade dopo il backup non l’ho trovato, avevo scaricato WP-DBManager e ho fatto dei backup tramite questo plugin, questo è quanto emerge nella schermata wordpress :
Backup Database
Your backup folder is NOT writable
To correct this issue, make the folder /home/web/www.viaggiandosimpara.net/www/wp-content/backup-db writable.
Click here to let WP-DBManager try to fix it
This theme recommends the following plugin: Redux Framework.
Begin installing plugin | Dismiss this notice
Nascondi questa notifica.
Checking Security Status
.htaccess is present in /home/web/www.viaggiandosimpara.net/www/wp-content/backup-db
index.php is present in /home/web/www.viaggiandosimpara.net/www/wp-content/backup-db
Checking Backup Status
Checking Backup Folder (/home/web/www.viaggiandosimpara.net/www/wp-content/backup-db) …
Backup folder exists
Backup folder is NOT writable. Please CHMOD it to ‘777’.
Checking MYSQL Dump Path …
MYSQL dump path does NOT exist. Please check your mysqldump path under DB Options. If uncertain, contact your server administrator.
Checking MYSQL Path …
MYSQL path does NOT exist. Please check your mysql path under DB Options. If uncertain, contact your server administrator.
Checking PHP Functions (passthru(), system() and exec()) …
passthru() enabled.
system() enabled.
exec() enabled.
Please Rectify The Error Highlighted In Red Before Proceeding On.
Note: The checking of backup status is still undergoing testing, it may not be accurate.
Backup Database
Option Value
Database Name: viaggiandosimpar_wordpress
Database Backup To: /home/web/www.viaggiandosimpara.net/www/wp-content/backup-db
Database Backup Date: 28 gennaio 2016 @ 18:40
Database Backup File Name: 1454006401_-_viaggiandosimpar_wordpress.sql
Database Backup Type: Full (Structure and Data)
MYSQL Dump Location: /usr/bin/mysqldump
GZIP Database Backup File? Yes No
Backup Cancel
non so proprio come muovermi
grazie per l’attenzione