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Questo tema non è stato aggiornato da più di 2 anni. Potrebbe non essere più manutenuto o supportato e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità quando utilizzato con versioni più recenti recenti di WordPress.

  • Versione 1.0.3
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 5 Dicembre 2022
  • Installazioni attive 40+
  • Versione WordPress 5.0
  • Versione PHP 7.0

A theme for publishers like magazines, blogs, and other content sites. I’ve been both a writer and an editor for over a decade now and have put together all the very best custom sanity controls that I’ve created over the years for managing a team of writers into one organized place. To greatly enhance the features of this theme, it is highly recommended that you install the companion plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/publishers/). Also, it would be a good idea to review the readme.txt (https://wp-themes.com/wp-content/themes/publishers/readme.txt). I’ll be here if you need me (bhadaway@gmail.com).

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Installazioni attive: 40+


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