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Teczilla Multipurpose

Teczilla Multipurpose

Questo è un tema child di Teczilla

  • Versione 1.0.0
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 23 Aprile 2023
  • Installazioni attive 20+
  • Versione WordPress 5.0
  • Versione PHP 5.6

Teczilla multipurpose is a child theme of teczilla wordpress theme perfect for multipurpose, finance , startup etc.It is a Very creative, fully customizable and multipurpose theme.Any website you want to make with this theme will look beautiful and compaitable.It has built in typography also dynamic typography also has unlimited color options in it.The theme suitable for saas application website, architecture, interior design, multipurpose, business, decoration, business, furniture, home decor, law firm, multipurpose, insurance, app landing page, it solutions, shop ecommerce, marketing, gym, blog, travel multipurpose, construction, spa salons, industries, Beauty, photography, and many other websites compatible. Service option has icon and image options. Full Width responsive page layout. SEO optimized pages and fast speed loading.Compatible with gutenberg, elemnetor page builder WooCommerce, contact form 7, Jetpack, Google analytics and so many popular premium & free plugins nicely works with teczilla theme. For more theme information, check out Theme demo here at https://www.avadantathemes.com/demo/teczilla-multipurpose/ and theme instructions here at https://www.avadantathemes.com/documentation/teczilla-free-theme/

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Installazioni attive: 20+


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