Tag: admin email
Multiple Admin Email Addresses
(5 valutazioni totali)Multiple Admin Email Addresses allows you to replace the blog's admin email with a comma separated list of admin emails
Send Email From Admin
(18 valutazioni totali)Easily send a simple custom email with an attachment from the WordPress administration screen.
Disable User Registration Notification Emails
(4 valutazioni totali)Turns off the notification sent to the admin email when a new user account is registered. Works with WP >= 4.6.0.
The Hack Repair Guy's Admin Login Notifier
(5 valutazioni totali)The Hack Repair Guy's Admin Login Notifier notifies you the moment an Administrator user logs into your WordPress dashboard.
Disable New User Notification
(0 valutazioni totali)This plugin disables the email sent to the site admin each time a new user creates an account.
Admin Email As From Address
(0 valutazioni totali)Use the admin email address as the from email address
Add Payment Type To Woocommerce Admin Email
(0 valutazioni totali)Plugin displays in the Woocommerce admin e-mail payment method.
Form Submission Reports
(0 valutazioni totali)A simple plugin to retrieve form submission data from popular form plugins.