Tag: meteo
3B Meteo
(2 valutazioni totali)Permette di aggiungere i widget meteo per le previsioni del tempo sul tuo sito in vari formati.
Weather Layer
(7 valutazioni totali)Display weather data on your blog thanks to Open Weather Map. Example of use : [weatherlayer country="France" city="Paris"]
My Weather
(1 valutazioni totali)Display the weather for your city on the sidebar. Select from various layouts, designs and colours
webcam viewer free edition
(7 valutazioni totali)A plugin for show your webcam images uploaded via FTP even with slideshow or carousel.
Das Wetter von wetter.com
(2 valutazioni totali)Das Wetter Plugin für Wordpress von wetter.com zeigt aktuelle Wetterinformationen für die Stadt deiner Wahl an. Das Plugin ist leicht zu installieren …
Google Weather 4 WP
(0 valutazioni totali)This plugin was made to show google weather info on wordpress. It was designed to fit the needs of a customer of virtual2.
Allerta Meteo Lombardia
(1 valutazioni totali)Sistema di visualizzazione allerte meteo per la Regione Lombardia
(1 valutazioni totali)This plugin lets you show the data from Meteohub all-sensors.txt file easily in the content of your website using shorttags.
(0 valutazioni totali)Change atmospheric conditions enough and you’ll see different products and features be chosen by customers
WP_Meteo3D Widget
(0 valutazioni totali)With WP_Meteo3D Widget you can display weather near real time conditions for over 200 cities in a 3D earth environment.