Tag: voguepay
Voguepay WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(7 valutazioni totali)Voguepay WooCommerce Payment Gateway allows you to accept payment on your WooCommerce store via Visa Card, MasterCard and Verve Card.
VoguePay plugin for WooCommerce
(2 valutazioni totali)Voguepay WooCommerce plugin allows you to accept payment from local and international customers on your store.
Product Dispenser for Voguepay Payment Gateway
(1 valutazioni totali)Vogue Pin Dispenser allows you sell dispensable Product such as card pins and accept payment on your Wordpress blog,page,article via Visa Card, Maste …
Voguepay plugin for Paid Memberships Pro
(0 valutazioni totali)This plugin allows you to accept payment from local and international customers on Paid Memberships Pro.