Often referred to as “90 in 90”, the practice of attending an AA meeting every day for 90 days in a row is a common suggestion for a newcomer.
This plugin is a simple way to track your progress making it to these meetings.
It’s flexible enough to be used for any 12 Step program.
Demo site using child theme for Primer, a randomly chosen theme to demo, on DigitalOcean.
Live site (updated 9/17/21)
Keep track of each meeting:
- Location/Group
- Meeting Type
- Date/Time
- Speaker
- Topics
- Display all meetings on a map
- Display progress as a chart; pie, doughnut, bar.
- Display meetings by Location/Group
- Search meetings by your meeting notes or any other detail
- Meeting calendar widget
- Meeting archive widget
Plugin Options
- Meeting Options: defaults used when creating new meeting posts.
- Location (you’ll need to set up at least one location first)
- Time (save valuable seconds by specifying a default meeting time)
- Type (save even more time with a default meeting type)
- Map Options: used for displaying meetings on a map.
- MapBox API Key: For geocoding location addresses to display on map. Also for dislaying certain map tile sets.
- Thunderforest API Key: For displaying map using additional tile sets.
- Default Map Center Latitude
- Default Map Center Longitude
- Default Map Zoom Level
- Misc. Options
- Keep Meetings Private: only show meetings/maps/widgets to logged in users
- Display Chart: Default setting. Customizable in shortcode.
- Chart Type: Default chart type. Customizable in shortcode.
- Completed Meetings Color: Chart color used for completed meetings.
- Remaining Meetings Color: Chart color used for remaining meetings.
- Remove data when deleting plugin: Option to remove meetings and associated details from the database.
- PDF Options
- Create PDF: Whether or not to create a PDF listing of your meetings.
- PDF Title
- Show number of days: Whether or not to show the number of days next to the meeting count.
- Start Date / End Date for PDF: Optionally specify a date range of meetings to include
Shortcode Usage for Maps
- Map only:
- Map with title:
[ninety_map title="Title Text Here"]
- Map with chart:
[ninety_map show_chart=1]
- Specify chart type:
[ninety_map show_chart=1 chart_type="bar"]
- Show chart only:
[ninety_map show_map=0 show_chart=1]
ACF Notes
- Requires Advanced Custom Fields plugin, standard or Pro.
- Loads ACF standard version if no ACF plugin is active.
- ACF standard version included: 5.8.5
- ACF fields are used for Meetings.
- Options page is not built with ACF since that requires Pro version.
Actions & Filters
filter will customize the available Meeting Programs to choose from – AA, NA, GA, OA, SA…- More info to follow
- Upload “ninety-ninety” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
- Activate the plugin ( 90 in 90 ) through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Sign up for free at MapBox to obtain an API key for geolocating meeting addresses.
- Use Meetings -> Options screen to set up plugin options.
- Add some meeting locations.
- Start tracking your meetings.
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- Update included ACF version to 5.8.5
- Initial release