Bing URL Submissions Plugin


Bing URL Submission Plugin for WordPress enables automated submission of URLs from WordPress sites to the Bing index. Once installed and configured with an API key obtained from Bing Webmaster portal, the plugin detects page creation/update in WordPress and automatically submits the URL behind the scenes ensuring that the site pages are always fresh in the Bing index.

Alcune altre funzioni utili incluse nel plugin:

  • Toggle the automatic submission feature.
  • Registra un URL manualmente nell’indice Bing.
  • View list of recent URL submissions from the plugin.
  • Retry any failed submissions from the recent submissions list.
  • Download recent URL submissions for analysis.

You can browse the code at the GitHub repository.

Questo plugin è stato sviluppato con amore e caffè dal Webmaster Team di Bing.

This plugin currently does not support WordPress multisite feature.


Setting up Bing URL Submissions Plugin consists of two steps – installing the plugin and setting it up with your API key.


  1. Accedi al pannello amministratore del tuo sito WordPress. Fai clic su ‘Plugin > Aggiungi nuovo’.
  2. Search for ‘Bing URL Submissions Plugin’ and install.
  3. Una volta installato, fai clic su ‘Attiva’ per abilitare il plugin.


  1. Open Bing URL Submissions plugin settings page by clicking on “Settings” link for the plugin. (Or the ‘Bing Webmaster’ link in the navigation menu).
  2. You should now be greeted with a prompt to enter API key.
  3. Enter your Bing Webmaster API key into the prompt in the plugin page. (You can obtain API key by following the instructions here. Ensure that your WordPress site is verified with Bing Webmaster).
  4. Voilà! it tuo sito WordPress è ora configurato per registrare automaticamente gli URL su Bing.


Why should I install Bing URL Submission Plugin

Bing Webmaster enables quick indexing of your site URLs via the Submit URL API. Bing URL Submissions Plugin automates the submissions of your site URLs to this API by automatically submitting URLs for any page updated/created from WordPress.

Dove trovo la chiave API?

To automate Bing URL submissions using the Bing URL Submission Plugin, you need to have your WordPress site registered with Bing Webmaster. Once your site is verified at Bing Webmaster, you can access your API key by navigating to Settings > API Access > API Key within Bing Webmaster portal.

I got an error “Adding API key failed: Invalid API Key” when I’m trying to log in to the plugin dashboard using API key. What do I do?

“Invalid URL” error indicates that your API key is invalid for the WordPress site you’re trying to configure the plugin against. Please verify that your WordPress site is added and verified against your Webmaster account.

“Automatic URL Submission” and “Manual URL Submission” cards are greyed out in plugin dashboard. How do I fix this?

Automatic and manual URL submission cards are disabled if your API key is detected as invalid for submitting URLs against this WordPress site. Please ensure that your site is verified in your Bing Webmaster account and update the plugin with your new API key using ‘Update key’ option in the API key card.

I got an error “Invalid API key : Update API key to enable Automatic & Manual URL submission.”. What do I do?

See answer to ‘”Automatic URL Submission” and “Manual URL Submission” cards are greyed out in plugin dashboard. How do I fix this?’ above.

Come posso eliminare qualsiasi dato immagazzinato nel mio database di WordPress?

You can go to ‘Plugins’ page from your WordPress sidebar and click on Deactivate under Bing URL Submissions plugin. This will remove the API key integration as well as any locally stored data about submitted URLs. Reactivating the plugin will present you with a clean slate and ask for API key input.


24 Maggio 2024
Great plugin and does what is needed. The only issue is it sends posts that are scheduled as well so ?p= URLs so creating a bit of an SEO issue with that URL indexing and when it does turn to publishing as proper permalink.
29 Settembre 2022
It’s been a few months since the website has registered with Bing Webmaster Tools and has submitted a sitemap but is not indexed. I hope by using this plugin the website will be indexed later, but it turns out to be the same. It’s easy to use but unfortunately doesn’t work well.
25 Maggio 2022
I followed the instruction 3 times but the process just failed: the API key generated from the ‘Bing Webmaster Tools’ page is not recognized. I had to do this manually by copying the XML file to the root of my website directory. Plugins for Google do much better!
17 Maggio 2022
I am one of several people whose website was removed from Bing SERP after adding this plug in. Although my website meets all the guidelines / requirements of BING and I had zero technical issues and was passing all tests, I was initially told by BING help center (after weeks of waiting) that the site wasn’t meeting requirements, which I knew was unlikely. So when I pushed the issue, it was escalated and my site was indexed again. However, a few weeks later my site was once again de-indexed. This time I removed the plugin then contacted Bing again and had to wait months (something about you can’t submit another request within a month of another??) for the issue to be once again resolved. Which it eventually was and, because I no longer use the plugin, this time I have remained on the index (but after months off, I’ve lost my good rankings). I gave two stars to the plug in rather than one because the support team did try!
7 Settembre 2021
It does what it says, big help not to code the stuff. URL Submission API Easy to plug-in API solution that websites can call to notify Bing whenever website contents is updated or created allowing instant crawling, indexing and discovery of your site content. Thanks a LOT!
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Contributi e sviluppo

“Bing URL Submissions Plugin” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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  • Fix: Compatibility update with wordpress v5.8 and linting fixes.


  • Fix: Compatibility issue with older wordpress versions.


  • Fix: Non public URL subimssions.
  • Fix: Upgrade dependencies to fix vulnerabilities.


  • Upgrade dependencies to fix vulnerabilities.


  • Update readme to reflect support for WordPress v5.7.


  • Upgrade dependencies to fix vulnerabilities and update latest compatiable wordpress version.


  • Fix console error being thrown by React when not in plugin page.


  • Upgrade dependencies to fix known vulnerabilities.


  • Filter out URLs containing specific post_types that aren’t browsable.


  • Fix encoded URLs being displayed in URL Submissions table.


  • Update root element name. Fixes issue loading plugin settings page.


  • Rename root element of settings page to avoid conflicts with other plugins.


  • Update readme to reflect support for WordPress v5.5.


  • Initial release.