Questo plugin non è stato testato con le ultime 3 versioni principali (major releases) di WordPress. Potrebbe non essere più mantenuto, o supportato, e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità se utilizzato con versioni più recenti di WordPress.

GamiPress – Transfers Notes


GamiPress – Transfers Notes adds the ability to your users to leave notes about their transfer on the GamiPress – Transfers add-on!

New Features

  • “notes” attribute on transfer shortcodes (Accepts yes or no, by default no).
  • “Notes” field on transfers blocks and widgets (By default the field is unchecked).
  • “Notes” section on transfer details (on the [gamipress_transfer_history] shortcode).
  • “User Notes” field on the tarnsfer edit screen.

Note: By default the notes option is deactivated on all shortcodes, blocks and widgets. You need to update the shortcodes by adding the required attribute (for example: [gamipress_points_transfer notes=”yes”]) and on blocks and widgets checking the “Notes” field.

Important: This plugin requires GamiPress – Transfers add-on.


From WordPress backend

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button “Upload Plugin” next to “Add plugins” title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.

Direct upload

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.


4 Novembre 2019 1 risposta
This plugin is perfect for our requirements, but I’d particularly recommend it because of the excellent support we’ve had from the developer.
Leggi la recensione di 1

Contributi e sviluppo

“GamiPress – Transfers Notes” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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  • Initial release.