Help Desk and customer support.
In order to set up the Help Desk WP on your website please follow the steps below. First off you need to create a new page as your support portal page and then there is a shortcode that you should put on the page.
The above shortcode will render the content of the helpdesk on your page. Another thing you should do is set your page as the support portal page in Help Desk WP settings.
In order to set that page navigate to WordPress -> Help Desk WP and at the top of the page open up the settings and then in the Portal Page tab you can select your page and save it.
Your support system is ready now. Your customers can open that page and submit their tickets.
The tickets will be shown in WordPress -> Help Desk WP and you can filter and answer them.
Watch the following video for more information.
- Unlimited Agents
- Sorting And Filtering
- Custom Category
- Custom Type
- Custom Priority
- Custom Status
- Email Notification
- Customers Dashboard
- Documentations
- Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress built-in Add New Plugin installer
- Activate the plugin
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