A WordPress plugin which shows the current template file name, the current theme name and included template files’ name in the tool bar. If you like this plugin, you can buy me a coffee! 😉
Ispirato da (e un grande ringraziamento a):
Il modo migliore
- In your WordPress Admin, go to the Add New Plugins page
- Search for: Show Current Template
- Show Current Template should be the first result. Click the Install link.
The Old Way
- Upload the plugin to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Questo plugin funziona con i temi a blocchi?
No. This plugin is useless when using block themes, and it shows a message that this plugin is useless when using block themes.
Non vedo la barra degli strumenti.
Is the Toolbar (Show Toolbar when viewing site) option in your profile page is checked?
You can find your profile page is in your WordPress admin -> Users -> Profile. -
Non vedo il nome del file del template attuale nella barra degli strumenti.
Do you logged in as “Administrator”? Other role users like “Editor” can’t see the file name. If your WordPress is multisite, only super admin can see the file name.
Non penso che questo plugin funzioni correttamente.
Please try below:
- Attiva uno dei temi predefiniti.
Now the plugin work properly? Then it means there may be a compatibility issue between your theme and this plugin, so let me know your theme’s name and where I can get it.
- Prova a fermare tutti i plugin diversi da questo plugin.
Now the plugin work properly? Then it means there may be a compatibility issue between one of those other plugins and this plugin, so let me know those plugins names and where I can get them.
Contributi e sviluppo
“Show Current Template” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“Show Current Template” è stato tradotto in 18 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Traduci “Show Current Template” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
- Update required WordPress version to 5.9. Special thanks to @dmchale for reporting the issue!
- Delete unnecessary files.
- Display a message that this plugin is useless when using block themes.
- Remove stray language file. Special thanks to @szepeviktor for reporting the issue!
- Fix JS Error when No Admin Bar. Special thanks to @taupecat for reporting the issue!
- Fix showing included files at bottom when your WordPress site is multisite and you are a normal admin (not super admin). Special thanks to @dmchale for reporting the issue!
- Fix not showing included files on Windows local. Special thanks to @lindt01 for helping me identify the cause!
- Corretto l’errore Javascript segnalato da @flexer. Un ringraziamento speciale a @dmchale per la correzione!
- Fix showing included files at bottom when the logged in user’s roles other than admin.
- Fix showing included files at bottom when visitor visits the site. This issue was reported by @tsato. Thank you very much!
- Fix not showing all included files with WordPress version 5.4 or greater.
- Pulito un po’ di codice.
- No functional change at all except the version number in the plugin php file and donation url.
- No functional change at all except the version number in the plugin php file and donation url.
- Nessun cambiamento eccetto il numero di versione nel file php del plugin.
- Aggiunto un link per la donazione.
- UPDATED: Make the file list scrollable.
- UPDATED: Change css to sass.
- Ops, troppo breve.
- UPDATED: Make the height of included files names shorter
- UPDATED: update for 3.8.
- CORREZIONE: aggiornamento per la versione 3.8.
- CORREZIONE: corretto un problema relativo alla mancata visualizzazione del nome del tema genitore mentre si utilizzava un tema child.
- UPDATED: Make not to show the current file in the included files list.
- FIXED: Fixed some notices.
- FIXED: Fixed potential conflict text domain (
Thanks to @wokamoto san.
- AGGIORNAMENTO: readme.txt
- Prima versione