SWS responsive slider plugin, is quite possibly the best way to show uploaded images in responsive slider. You can create as many responsive sliders as you want.
More details are as follows:-
- Create n numbers of sliders
- sliders are responsive in nature by default
- Create shortcode for sliders
Example: [sws_res_slider slider_id=’silder_id’]
- Use WordPress’ built-in installer
- Download the ZIP file from WordPress website
- Extract the slider directory to your computer
- Upload the slider directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
- You can Access the “Sliders” setting from menu in admin panel.
Contributi e sviluppo
“SWS responsive slider” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
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- Initial Version