Tag: authenticate
Keyy Two Factor Authentication (like Clef)
(48 valutazioni totali)WordPress 2-Factor Authentication plugin that's high security and low hassle. Say goodbye to remembering usernames, passwords and tokens; say hel …
WP 2FA con Telegram
(5 valutazioni totali)Questo plugin abilita l’autenticazione a dure fattori sfruttando Telegram rafforzando la sicurezza del tuo sito web e inviando un messaggio ogni volta che avviene un login errato.
Two Factor Auth
(22 valutazioni totali)Secure WordPress login with Two Factor Auth. Users will have to enter an One Time Password when they log in.
HTTP Digest Authentication
(5 valutazioni totali)Protect your wp-login.php page with HTTP Digest Authentication without the need of adding web server modules or changing config files.
(0 valutazioni totali)Instantly requires that users be logged in to visit your site. Also serves as a good base for expansion. No interface, just activate and go! Requires …
WP Secure Login
(1 valutazioni totali)WP Secure Login adds a security layer and 2 step authentication to your WordPress site by asking a One Time Password in addition to the username and p …
(9 valutazioni totali)The Swipe plugin allows you too securely login into Wordpress giving you 2-factor authentication without the hassle of one-time codes.