Tag: image
(285 valutazioni totali)Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!
Firelight Lightbox
(272 valutazioni totali)Formerly Easy Fancybox. The most popular WordPress lightbox plugin. Simple, fast, and responsive. Opens images, videos, PDFs, and custom popups.
Image Optimization by Optimole – Lazy Load, CDN, Convert WebP & AVIF
(604 valutazioni totali)Comprimi, ottimizza e fornisci immagini scalate automaticamente e, allo stesso tempo, convertile in WebP e AVIF, il tutto da CloudFront CDN. Lazy load incluso ⚡
Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
(1.961 valutazioni totali)The most popular lightbox plugin and responsive gallery builder for WordPress.
reSmush.it : The original free image compressor and optimizer plugin
(146 valutazioni totali)reSmush.it is the FREE image compressor and optimizer plugin – use it to optimize your images and improve the SEO and performance of your website.
Image Widget
(288 valutazioni totali)A simple image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager to add image widgets to your site.
Menu Image, Icons made easy
(123 valutazioni totali)Adds an image or icon in the menu items. You can choose the position of the image (after, before, above, below) or even hide the menu item title.
Robin image optimizer — save money on image compression
(116 valutazioni totali)Ottimizzazione automatica delle immagini senza perdita di qualità. Nessuna limitazione. Il miglior plugin per l’ottimizzazione delle immagini di WordPress permette di ottimizzare qualsiasi numero d’immagini;
Featured Image from URL (FIFU)
(236 valutazioni totali)Utilizza un’immagine/video/audio esterno come immagine in evidenza di un articolo o prodotto WooCommerce.
All In One Favicon
(82 valutazioni totali)Easily add a Favicon to your site and the WordPress admin pages. Complete with upload functionality. Supports all three Favicon types (ico,png,gif).
ImageMagick Engine
(16 valutazioni totali)Improve the quality of re-sized images by replacing standard GD library with ImageMagick.
Phoenix Media Rename
(73 valutazioni totali)Il plugin Phoenix Media Rinomina consente di rinominare facilmente i file multimediali e modificarne il titolo, dopo averli caricati.
Image Watermark
(184 valutazioni totali)Image Watermark allows you to automatically watermark images uploaded to the WordPress Media Library and bulk watermark previously uploaded images.
LightPress Lightbox
(61 valutazioni totali)Simple, lightweight lightbox plugin for WordPress. Formerly the WP JQuery Lightbox.
Easy Watermark
(155 valutazioni totali)Allows to add watermark to images automatically on upload or manually.
WP Lightbox 2
(90 valutazioni totali)WP Lightbox 2 adds stunning lightbox effects to images and galleries on your WordPress site.
Conditionally display featured image on singular posts and pages
(38 valutazioni totali)Easily control whether the featured image appears in the single post or page view (doesn't hide it in archive/list view).
Auto Upload Images
(103 valutazioni totali)Automatically detect external images in the post content and import images to your site then adding to the media library and replace image urls.