User Profile & Membership Plugin for WordPress
The ultimate user profile & membership plugin for WordPress. The plugin makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and become members of your website. The plugin allows you to add beautiful user profiles to your site and is designed for creating advanced online communities and membership sites. Lightweight and highly extendible, Ultimate Member will enable you to create almost any type of site where users can join and become members with absolute ease.
Features of the plugin include:
- Front-end user profiles
- Front-end user registration
- Front-end user login
- Custom form fields
- Logica condizionale per i campi del modulo
- Drag and drop form builder
- Pagina dell’account utente
- Ruoli utente personalizzati
- Elenco dei membri
- Email utente
- Content restriction
- Conditional nav menus
- Show author posts & comments on user profiles
- Developer friendly with dozens of actions and filters
Read about all of the plugin’s features at Ultimate Member
Estensioni a pagamento
Ultimate Member has a range of extensions that allow you to extend the power of the plugin. You can purchase all of these extensions at a significant discount with one of our paid plans or you can purchase extensions individually.
- Zapier – Allow to integrate the Zapier popular apps with Ultimate Member
- Stripe – Sell paid memberships to access your website via Stripe subscriptions
- User Notes – Allow users to create public and private notes from their profile
- Profile Tabs – Allow to add the custom tabs to profiles
- User Locations – Allow to display users on a map on the member directory page and allow users to add their location via their profile
- Unsplash – Allow users to select a profile cover photo from Unsplash from their profile
- User Bookmarks – Allow users to bookmark content from your website
- Foto utente – Permetti agli utenti di caricare foto nel profilo personale
- Groups – Allow users to create and join groups around shared topics, interests etc.
- Contenuti Privati – Visualizza contenuti privati agli utenti registrati ai quali possono accedere solo loro
- User Tags – Lets you add a user tag system to your website
- Social Activity – Let users create public wall posts & see the activity of other users
- WooCommerce – Allow you to integrate WooCommerce with Ultimate Member
- Private Messages – Add a private messaging system to your site & allow users to message each other
- Followers – Allow users to follow each other on your site and protect their profile information
- Real-time Notifications – Add a notifications system to your site so users can receive real-time notifications
- Social Login – Let users register & login to your site via Facebook, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, Instagram and Vkontakte (
- bbPress – With the bbPress extension you can beautifully integrate Ultimate Member with bbPress
- MailChimp – Allow users to subscribe to your MailChimp lists when they signup on your site and sync user meta to MailChimp
- User Reviews – Allow users to rate & review each other using a 5 star rate/review system
- Verified Users – Add a user verification system to your site so user accounts can be verified
- myCRED – With the myCRED extension you can integrate Ultimate Member with the popular myCRED points management plugin
- Notices – Alert users to important information using conditional notices
- Profile Completeness – Encourage or force users to complete their profiles with the profile completeness extension
- Friends – Allows users to become friends by sending & accepting/rejecting friend requests
Estensioni gratuite
- JobsBoardWP – This free extension integrates Ultimate Member with the job board plugin JobBoardWP.
- ForumWP – This free extension integrates Ultimate Member with the forum plugin ForumWP.
- Terms & Conditions – Add a terms and condition checkbox to your registration forms & require users to agree to your T&Cs before registering on your site.
- Google reCAPTCHA – Stop bots on your registration & login forms with Google reCAPTCHA
- Online Users – Display what users are online with this extension
Our official theme is purpose built for websites that have logged in and out users. The theme has deep integration with Ultimate Member plugin and the extensions, different header designs for logged-in/out users and works alongside the Beaver Builder and Elementor page builders.
Gli altri nostri plugin
In addition to Ultimate Member, we also have two other plugins: ForumWP and JobBoardWP.
ForumWP is a forum plugin which adds an online forum to your website, allowing users to create topics and write replies. Forums are a great way to build and grow an online community.
JobBoardWP is a job board plugin which adds a modern job board to your website. Display job listings and allow employers to submit and manage jobs all from the front-end.
Sviluppo * Traduzioni
Se sei uno sviluppatore e ti piacerebbe contribuire al codice sorgente del plugin, puoi farlo tramite il nostro Repository di GitHub.
Want to add a new language to Ultimate Member? Great! You can contribute via
If you are a developer and you need to know the list of UM Hooks, make this via our Hooks Documentation or Hooks Documentation v2.
Se sei uno sviluppatore e hai bisogno di conoscere la struttura del nostro codice, fallo tramite la nostra Documentazione API.
Documentazione & Supporto
Got a problem or need help with Ultimate Member? Head over to our documentation and perform a search of the knowledge base. If you can’t find a solution to your issue then you can create a topic on the support forum.
Questo plugin fornisce 4 blocchi.
- Form Choose display form
- Password Reset Displaying the password reset form
- Account Displaying the account page of the current user
- Member Directory Choose display directory
- Attiva il plugin
- That’s it. Go to Ultimate Member > Settings to customize plugin options
- Per ulteriori dettagli, visita la documentazione ufficiale.
Ho bisogno di avere conoscenze da sviluppatore per usare questo plugin?
No, abbiamo realizzato Ultimate Member per essere estremamente facile da usare e non richiede che tu imposti manualmente shortcode o abbia alcuna conoscenza di sviluppo.
Ultimate Member è responsive sui dispositivi mobili?
Yes. Ultimate Member is designed to adapt nicely to any screen resolution. It includes specific designs for phones, tablets and desktops.
Is Ultimate Member multi-site compatible?
Yes. Ultimate Member works great on both single site and multi-site WordPress installs.
Does the plugin work with any WordPress theme?
Yes. Ultimate Member will work with any properly coded theme. However, some themes may cause conflicts with the plugin. If you find a styling issue with your theme please create a post in the community forum.
Il plugin funziona con i plugin di gestione della cache?
The plugin works with popular caching plugins by automatically excluding Ultimate Member pages from being cached. This ensures other visitors to a page will not see the private information of another user. However, if you add features of Ultimate Member to other pages you have to exclude those pages from being cached through your cache plugin settings panel.
Does Ultimate Member restrict access to wp-login.php when the plugin is active?
The plugin does not restrict access to the wp-login.php page when active, so that our plugin does not interfere with the existing functionality of a website or other plugins that may utilise the default login page. If you wish to restrict access to the wp-login.php page you can use a plugin such as WPS Hide Login or another plugin that removes the ability to login via wp-login.php.
Are Ultimate Member Login/Registration pages required?
No, non sei obbligato ad usare l’accesso o le pagine di registrazione del nostro plugin e puoi usare un altro plugin o il metodo predefinito di WordPress per la registrazione e l’accesso utente.
Are additional PHP modules necessary for the plugin to work correctly?
No specific extensions are needed. But we highly recommended keep active these PHP modules:
. wp-admin > Tools > Site Health page has a summary about your installation and required modules. All major extensions are listed here.
Contributi e sviluppo
“Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin” è stato tradotto in 27 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
2.9.2 2025-01-14
- Added: Compatibility with the new Ultimate Member – Zapier extension
- Added: Only approved user Reset Password setting defined as true by default
- Added:
function for future enhancements related to new UI - Added: Filter hook
- Tweak: Changed hook’s priority for initialization of email templates paths
- Tweak: Removed
due to (article)[]
- Fixed: Security issue CVE ID: CVE-2025-0308
- Fixed: Security issue CVE ID: CVE-2025-0318
- Fixed: Using placeholders in email templates when Action Scheduler is active. Using
attribute for fetching necessary user before sending email - Fixed: PHP 8.4 compatibility. Using WordPress native
instead of MobileDetect library - Fixed: PHP errors related to
function - Fixed: PHP errors in user meta header when
meta is empty - Fixed: Small CSS changes and avoid duplicates
- Fixed: Removed ms-native show password button for type=”password” field in UM forms
- Fixed: Define scalable attribute for cropper
- Fully deprecated
function - Fully deprecated
function - Fully deprecated
filter hook
Templates required update
- account.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
2.9.1 2024-11-15
- Added:
hook for 3rd-party validation during upload images
- Fixed: “Load textdomain just in time” issue
- Fixed: Capabilities checking in the wp-admin > Users list table
- Fixed: File/image upload on the role specific profile form
- Fixed: Issues when the form’s custom fields meta has a wrong format
- Fixed: Validation of the “Registration Default Role” slug
- Fixed: Allowed query variables via registered REST API class only when REST_REQUEST is defined
2.9.0 2024-11-12
- Added: Action Scheduler (version 3.8.1) for email sending. More info is here.
- Added: Supporting new
function for registering WP Blocks
- Fixed:
handlers vulnerability. CVE ID: CVE-2024-10528 - Fixed: Disabling user status column wp-admin > Users screen
- Fixed: User status filter on wp-admin > Users on mobile devices
- Fixed: Extra unwrapping of the WP Editor field’s value
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade