User Switching


This plugin allows you to quickly swap between user accounts in WordPress at the click of a button. You’ll be instantly logged out and logged in as your desired user. This is handy for for helping customers on WooCommerce sites, membership sites, testing environments, or for any site where administrators need to switch between multiple accounts.


  • Cambia utente: collegati istantaneamente come qualunque account utente dalla schermata Utenti.
  • Torna indietro: torna indietro immediatamente al tuo account originale.
  • Esci: scollegati dal tuo account, ma mantieni la possibilità di cambiare nuovamente account.
  • Compatible with Multisite, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, and bbPress.
  • Compatible with most membership and user management plugins.
  • Compatible with most two-factor authentication solutions (see the FAQ for more info).
  • Approved for use on enterprise-grade WordPress platforms such as Altis and WordPress VIP.

Note: User Switching supports versions of WordPress up to three years old, and PHP version 7.4 or higher.


  • Only users with the ability to edit other users can switch user accounts. By default this is only Administrators on single site installations, and Super Admins on Multisite installations.
  • Le password non sono (né possono essere) rivelate.
  • Usa il sistema di autenticazione a cookie in WordPress per ricordarsi degli account da cui sei uscito e quando rientrare.
  • Implementa il sistema di sicurezza nonce in WordPress, tramite cui solo coloro che intendono effettivamente cambiare utente possono farlo.
  • Full support for user session validation where appropriate.
  • Full support for HTTPS.


  1. Visita il menu Utenti in WordPress e troverai un link “Cambia in” nella lista delle azioni disponibili per ogni utente.
  2. Fai clic qui e sarai immediatamente collegato con l’account di quell’utente.
  3. Puoi tornare al tuo account originale tramite il link Esci in ogni schermata Bacheca o nel tuo menu di profilo nella barra di WordPress.

Leggi le FAQ per maggiori informazioni sulla funzione Esci.

Other Plugins

I maintain several other plugins for developers. Check them out:

  • Query Monitor is the developer tools panel for WordPress
  • WP Crontrol lets you view and control what’s happening in the WP-Cron system

Privacy Statement

User Switching makes use of browser cookies in order to allow users to switch to another account. Its cookies operate using the same mechanism as the authentication cookies in WordPress core, which means their values contain the user’s user_login field in plain text which should be treated as potentially personally identifiable information (PII) for privacy and regulatory reasons (GDPR, CCPA, etc). The names of the cookies are:

  • wordpress_user_sw_{COOKIEHASH}
  • wordpress_user_sw_secure_{COOKIEHASH}
  • wordpress_user_sw_olduser_{COOKIEHASH}

User Switching does not send data to any third party, nor does it include any third party resources, nor will it ever do so.

See also the FAQ for some questions relating to privacy and safety when switching between users.

Accessibility Statement

User Switching aims to be fully accessible to all of its users. It implements best practices for web accessibility, outputs semantic and structured markup, adheres to the default styles and accessibility guidelines of WordPress, uses the accessibility APIs provided by WordPress and web browsers where appropriate, and is fully accessible via keyboard.

User Switching should adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at level AA when used with a recent version of WordPress where its admin area itself adheres to these guidelines. If you’ve experienced or identified an accessibility issue in User Switching, please open a thread in the User Switching plugin support forum and I’ll address it swiftly.


  • The Switch To link on the Users screen
  • The Switch To link on a user's profile


Does this plugin work with PHP 8?

Yes, it’s actively tested and working up to PHP 8.3.

Cosa significa “Esci”?

Uscire ti scollega dal tuo account, ma mantiene il tuo ID utente nel cookie di autenticazione, in modo che tu possa rientrare senza dover effettuare nuovamente manualmente il login. E’ come cambiare verso nessun utente ed essere in grado di tornare indietro.

The Switch Off link can be found in your profile menu in the WordPress toolbar. Once you’ve switched off you’ll see a Switch back link in a few places:

  • In the footer of your site
  • On the Log In screen
  • In the “Meta” widget

Questo plugin funziona anche con WordPress Multisite?

Sì, e inoltre potrai cambiare utente dalla schermata Utenti nell’amministrazione del Network.

Questo plugin funziona con WooCommerce?

Yes, and you’ll also be able to switch users from various WooCommerce administration screens.

Questo plugin funziona con BuddyPress?

Sì, e potrai passare da un utente all’altro dallo schermo di profilo dei singoli membri e dallo schermo con la lista di tutti i membri.

Questo plugin funziona con bbPress?

Sì e puoi passare da un utente all’altro dalle schermate di profilo dei membri.

Questo plugin funziona se il mio sito usa un plugin di autenticazione a due fattori?

Sì, per lo più.

Una eccezione di cui sono a conoscenza è Duo Security. Se stai utilizzando questo plugin, dovresti installare il plugin User Switching for Duo Security che previene che che l’autenticazione a due fattori venga mostrata quando si cambia utente.

Di quale capability necessita un utente affinché possa cambiare account?

L’utente deve poter modificare gli utenti per cambiare utente (edit_users). Di regola solo gli Amministratori hanno questa possibilità e nei siti Multisite solo i Super Amministratori possono farlo.

Specifically, a user needs the ability to edit the target user in order to switch to them. This means if you have custom user capability mapping in place which uses the edit_users or edit_user capabilities to affect ability of users to edit others, then User Switching should respect that.

Gli amministratori in installazioni Multisite possono cambiare account?

No. Questo viene abilitato con l’installazione del plugin User Switching for Regular Admins.

Il permesso per cambiare account può essere assegnato ad altri utenti o ruoli?

Sì. Il permesso switch_users può essere assegnato ad un utente o ruolo per permettere il cambio utente a prescindere che abbiano il permesso edit_users o meno. Per praticità, l’utente o ruolo dovrà anche avere il permesso list_users per poter accedere al menu utenti nell’area admin di WordPress.

add_filter( 'user_has_cap', function( $allcaps, $caps, $args, $user ) {
    if ( 'switch_to_user' === $args[0] ) {
        if ( my_condition( $user ) ) {
            $allcaps['switch_users'] = true;
    return $allcaps;
}, 9, 4 );

Note that this needs to happen before User Switching’s own capability filtering, hence the priority of 9.

Can the ability to switch accounts be denied from users?

Yes. User capabilities in WordPress can be set to false to deny them from a user. Denying the switch_users capability prevents the user from switching users, even if they have the edit_users capability.

add_filter( 'user_has_cap', function( $allcaps, $caps, $args, $user ) {
    if ( 'switch_to_user' === $args[0] ) {
        if ( my_condition( $user ) ) {
            $allcaps['switch_users'] = false;
    return $allcaps;
}, 9, 4 );

Note that this needs to happen before User Switching’s own capability filtering, hence the priority of 9.

Can I add a custom “Switch To” link to my own plugin or theme?

Yes. Use the user_switching::maybe_switch_url() method for this. It takes care of authentication and returns a nonce-protected URL for the current user to switch into the provided user account.

if ( method_exists( 'user_switching', 'maybe_switch_url' ) ) {
    $url = user_switching::maybe_switch_url( $target_user );
    if ( $url ) {
            '<a href="%1$s">Switch to %2$s</a>',
            esc_url( $url ),
            esc_html( $target_user->display_name )

This link also works for switching back to the original user, but if you want an explicit link for this you can use the following code:

if ( method_exists( 'user_switching', 'get_old_user' ) ) {
    $old_user = user_switching::get_old_user();
    if ( $old_user ) {
            '<a href="%1$s">Switch back to %2$s</a>',
            esc_url( user_switching::switch_back_url( $old_user ) ),
            esc_html( $old_user->display_name )

Can I determine whether the current user switched into their account?

Yes. Use the current_user_switched() function for this. If the current user switched into their account from another then it returns a WP_User object for their originating user, otherwise it returns false.

if ( function_exists( 'current_user_switched' ) ) {
    $switched_user = current_user_switched();
    if ( $switched_user ) {
        // User is logged in and has switched into their account.
        // $switched_user is the WP_User object for their originating user.

Can I log each time a user switches to another account?

You can install an audit trail plugin such as Simple History, WP Activity Log, or Stream, all of which have built-in support for User Switching and all of which log an entry when a user switches into another account.

Does this plugin allow a user to frame another user for an action?

Potentially yes, but User Switching includes some safety protections for this and there are further precautions you can take as a site administrator:

  • User Switching stores the ID of the originating user in the new WordPress user session for the user they switch to. Although this session does not persist by default when they subsequently switch back, there will be a record of this ID if your database server has query logging enabled.
  • User Switching stores the login name of the originating user in an authentication cookie (see the Privacy Statement for more information). If your server access logs store cookie data, there will be a record of this login name (along with the IP address) for each access request.
  • You can install an audit trail plugin such as Simple History, WP Activity Log, or Stream, all of which have built-in support for User Switching and all of which log an entry when a user switches into another account.
  • User Switching triggers an action when a user switches account, switches off, or switches back (see below). You can use these actions to perform additional logging for safety purposes depending on your requirements.

One or more of the above should allow you to correlate an action with the originating user when a user switches account, should you need to.

Bear in mind that even without the User Switching plugin in use, any user who has the ability to edit another user can still frame another user for an action by, for example, changing their password and manually logging into that account. If you are concerned about users abusing others, you should take great care when granting users administrative rights.

Can I switch users directly from the admin toolbar?

Yes, there’s a third party add-on plugin for this: Admin Bar User Switching.

Viene chiamato qualche hook quando un utente cambia account?

Yes. When a user switches to another account, the switch_to_user hook is called:

 * Fires when a user switches to another user account.
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @since 1.4.0 The `$new_token` and `$old_token` parameters were added.
 * @param int    $user_id     The ID of the user being switched to.
 * @param int    $old_user_id The ID of the user being switched from.
 * @param string $new_token   The token of the session of the user being switched to. Can be an empty string
 *                            or a token for a session that may or may not still be valid.
 * @param string $old_token   The token of the session of the user being switched from.
do_action( 'switch_to_user', $user_id, $old_user_id, $new_token, $old_token );

When a user switches back to their originating account, the switch_back_user hook is called:

 * Fires when a user switches back to their originating account.
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @since 1.4.0 The `$new_token` and `$old_token` parameters were added.
 * @param int       $user_id     The ID of the user being switched back to.
 * @param int|false $old_user_id The ID of the user being switched from, or false if the user is switching back
 *                               after having been switched off.
 * @param string    $new_token   The token of the session of the user being switched to. Can be an empty string
 *                               or a token for a session that may or may not still be valid.
 * @param string    $old_token   The token of the session of the user being switched from.
do_action( 'switch_back_user', $user_id, $old_user_id, $new_token, $old_token );

Quando un utente si scollega, è chiamato l’hook switch_off_user:

 * Fires when a user switches off.
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @since 1.4.0 The `$old_token` parameter was added.
 * @param int    $old_user_id The ID of the user switching off.
 * @param string $old_token   The token of the session of the user switching off.
do_action( 'switch_off_user', $old_user_id, $old_token );

When a user switches to another account, switches off, or switches back, the user_switching_redirect_to filter is applied to the location that they get redirected to:

 * Filters the redirect location after a user switches to another account or switches off.
 * @since 1.7.0
 * @param string       $redirect_to   The target redirect location, or an empty string if none is specified.
 * @param string|null  $redirect_type The redirect type, see the `user_switching::REDIRECT_*` constants.
 * @param WP_User|null $new_user      The user being switched to, or null if there is none.
 * @param WP_User|null $old_user      The user being switched from, or null if there is none.
return apply_filters( 'user_switching_redirect_to', $redirect_to, $redirect_type, $new_user, $old_user );

In addition, User Switching respects the following filters from WordPress core when appropriate:

  • login_redirect when switching to another user.
  • logout_redirect when switching off.

Do you accept donations?

I am accepting sponsorships via the GitHub Sponsors program and any support you can give will help me maintain this plugin and keep it free for everyone.


18 Marzo 2024
I regularly use this plugin to check what capabilities a specific user has. This plugin is especially useful with custom user roles and capabilities. And when providing telephone support, it is sometimes nice to switch to a customer's user. So that you can see the same thing as the person you are calling with.
21 Febbraio 2024
So easy - So good - I enjoy helping clients by using this simple tool. Taking orders by phone... Everything!!!
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 224

Contributi e sviluppo

“User Switching” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


“User Switching” è stato tradotto in 48 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.

Traduci “User Switching” nella tua lingua.

Ti interessa lo sviluppo?

Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.

Changelog (registro delle modifiche)

1.7.3 (21 February 2024)

  • Confirm support for PHP 8.3
  • Fix compatibility with BuddyPress version 12
  • Add configuration for the Live Preview feature on

1.7.2 (16 November 2023)

  • Confirm support for WordPress 6.4
  • Reinstate the missing plugin readme file

1.7.1 (16 November 2023)

  • Fix the redirect type parameter passed to the user_switching_redirect_to filter
  • Increase the minimum supported version of PHP to 7.4

1.7.0 (30 July 2022)

  • Redirect to the current post, term, user, or comment being edited when switching off
  • Clean up some user-facing messages
  • Apply basic styling to the Switch Back link that appears in the footer
  • Use a better placement for the Switch To menu on bbPress profiles
  • Use a more appropriate HTTP response code if switching off fails
  • Exclude .editorconfig from dist ZIP

1.6.0 (24 June 2022)

  • Add a ‘Switch To’ link to the order screen in WooCommerce
  • Add a ‘Switch back’ link to the My Account screen and the login screen in WooCommerce

1.5.8 (2 October 2021)

  • Avoid a fatal if the interim-login query parameter is present on a page other than wp-login.php.

1.5.7 (12 May 2021)

  • Fix some issues that could lead to PHP errors given a malformed cookie.
  • Fix documentation.

1.5.6 (18 September 2020)

  • Add a class to the table row on the user edit screen.
  • Updated docs.

1.5.5 (22 June 2020)

  • Added the user_switching_in_footer filter to disable output in footer on front end.
  • Documentation additions and improvements.

1.5.4 (7 February 2020)

  • Fix a cookie issue caused by Jetpack 8.1.1 which prevented switching back to the original user.

1.5.3 (5 November 2019)

  • Remove usage of a method that’s been deprecated in WordPress 5.3

1.5.2 (16 August 2019)

  • Set the correct lang attribute on User Switching’s admin notice.
  • Move the WooCommerce session forgetting to an action callback so it can be unhooked if necessary.

1.5.1 (16 June 2019)

  • Add appropriate HTTP response codes to the error states.
  • Display User Switching’s messages in the original user’s locale.
  • Increase the priority of the hook that sets up the cookie constants. See #40.
  • Don’t attempt to output the ‘Switch To’ link on author archives when the queried object isn’t a user. See #39.

1.5.0 (23 March 2019)

  • Add support for forgetting WooCommerce sessions when switching between users. Requires WooCommerce 3.6+.

1.4.2 (13 February 2019)

  • Don’t attempt to add the Switch To link to the admin toolbar when viewing an author archive in the admin area. This prevents a fatal error occurring when filtering custom post type listing screens by authors in the admin area.

1.4.1 (2 February 2019)

  • Add a Switch To link to the Edit User admin toolbar menu when viewing an author archive.
  • Add a Switch back link to the Edit User admin toolbar menu when viewing an author archive and you’re already switched.

1.4.0 (17 September 2018)

  • Add support for user session retention, reuse, and destruction when switching to and back from other user accounts.
  • Add support for the switch_users meta capability for fine grained control over the ability to switch user accounts.
  • More code and documentation quality improvements.

1.3.1 (24 May 2018)

  • Add support for the X-Redirect-By header in WordPress 5.0.
  • Allow User Switching’s admin notices to be dismissed.
  • Introduce a privacy statement.

1.3.0 (9 November 2017)

  • Update the BuddyPress compatibility.
  • Various code and inline docs improvements.

1.2.0 (29 September 2017)

  • Improve the Switch Back functionality when the interim login window is shown.
  • Always show the Switch Back link in the Meta widget if it’s present.

1.1.0 (7 September 2017)

  • Introduce a user_switching_switched_message filter to allow customisation of the message displayed to switched users in the admin area.
  • Switch to safe redirects for extra paranoid hardening.
  • Docblock improvements.
  • Coding standards improvements.

1.0.9 (14 July 2016)

  • Rimossi i file di lingua nel plugin in favore dei pacchetti di lingua provenienti da

1.0.8 (14 July 2016)

  • Traduzioni in Cinese (Taiwan) e in Lingua Ceca.
  • Aggiornate le traduzioni in Olandese, Spagnolo, Ebraico e Tedesco.
  • Aggiunto un attributo ID ai link che vengono stampati nelle schermate di login di WordPress, BuddyPress e bbPress.
  • Evitato un avviso di argomento deprecato quando il nodo user-actions della barra di amministrazione viene rimosso.

1.0.7 (14 July 2016)

  • Traduzioni in Azerbaigiano, Danese e Bosniaco.
  • Aggiunta nuovamente l’intestazione ‘User Switching’ nella schermata di profilo dell’utente.
  • Corretto il valore passato al parametro $old_user_id dell’hook switch_back_user quando un utente è stato scollegato. Questo dovrebbe essere un booleano false invece che 0.
  • Aggiunti docblock per azioni e filtri.
  • Altre modifiche relative a standard di codice.

1.0.6 (14 July 2016)

  • Corretti i valori passati all’hook switch_back_user quando un utente torna indietro.
  • Altre modifiche relative a standard di codice.

1.0.5 (14 July 2016)

  • Traduzione in Norvegese di Per Søderlind.
  • Modifiche relative agli standard di codice.

1.0.4 (14 July 2016)

  • Supporto per i nuovi filtri logout_redirect e removable_query_args in WordPress 4.2.

1.0.3 (14 July 2016)

  • Traduzione in Croato di Ante Sepic.
  • Evitati avvisi PHP causati da altri plugin che usano erroneamente il valore booleano true come capability.

1.0.2 (14 July 2016)

  • Traduzione in turco di Abdullah Pazarbasi.
  • Traduzione in rumeno di ArianServ.
  • Traduzione in olandese di Thom.
  • Traduzione in greco di evigiannakou.
  • Traduzione in bulgaro di Petya Raykovska.
  • Traduzione in finlandese di Sami Keijonen.
  • Traduzione in Italiano di Alessandro Curci e Alessandro Tesoro.
  • Aggiornate le traduzioni in arabo, spagnolo, tedesco e polacco.

1.0.1 (14 July 2016)

  • Accorciati i nomi dei cookie generati dal plugin per evitare problemi con le regole predefinite di Suhosin.
  • Aggiunta retrocompatibilità per la costante deprecata OLDUSER_COOKIE.