Importatore WordPress


L’importatore WordPress importerà i seguenti contenuti da un file di esportazione di WordPress:

  • Articoli, pagine ed altri tipi di custom post type
  • Commenti e metadati dei commenti
  • Campi personalizzati e metadati degli articoli
  • Categorie, tag e termini dalle tassonomie personalizzate e dai metadati dei termini
  • Autori

Per maggiori informazioni e istruzioni consultare la documentazione su Importing Content.


L’importatore ha una coppia di filtri per consentirti di abilitare/bloccare completamente alcune funzionalità:

  • import_allow_create_users: restituisce false se si desidera permettere solamente di mappare gli utenti su quelli esistenti
  • import_allow_fetch_attachments: restituisce false se non si desidera consentire l’importazione e lo scaricamento degli allegati
  • import_attachment_size_limit: restituisci un valore intero per la dimensione massima di salvataggio del file in byte return (il valore standard è 0, nessun limite)

Vi sono anche alcune azioni a cui agganciarsi in:

  • import_start: si verifica dopo che il file di esportazione è stato caricato e sono stati scelte le impostazioni di importazione autore
  • import_end: chiamato dopo l’ultimo output dell’importatore


Il metodo più rapido per installare l’importatore è:

  1. Visitare Strumenti -> Importa nella bacheca di WordPress
  2. Fare clic sul link WordPress nell’elenco degli importatori
  3. Fare clic su “Installa adesso”
  4. Alla fine fare clic su “Attivare il plugin ed eseguire l’importatore”

Se preferite eseguire le operazioni manualmente seguite le seguenti istruzioni:

  1. Caricate la cartella wordpress-importer nella directory /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Attiva il plugin attraverso il menu ‘Plugin’ di WordPress
  3. Andare sula schermata Strumenti -> Importa e fare clic su WordPress


Aiuto! Mi esce un errore di memoria esaurita (out of memory) o una schermata nera.

Se il vostro file di esportazione è molto grande, lo script di importazione potrebbe incorrere nel liite di memoria PHP impostato dal vostro hosting.

Un messaggio del tipo “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted” indica che lo script non può importare il file XML correttamente con il limite di memoria di PHP attuale. Se si ha accesso al file php.ini potete incrementare questo valore manualmente; se non potete farlo (la vostra installazione di WordPress è ad esempio ospitata su un server condiviso), dovrete suddividere il file XML di esportazione in parti più piccole ed eseguire lo script d importazione per ciascuno di essi.

Per chi è su uno shared hosting, la migliore alternativa può essere quella di consultare il supporto del vostro hosting per determinare l’approccio più sicuro per eseguire l’importatore. Un hosting potrebbe volere aumentare temporaneamente il limite di memoria e/o eseguire il processo direttamente dalla loro parte.

Articolo dall’area del supporto: Importing Content


18 Luglio 2024 1 risposta
We tried this multiple times but not working. It has some conflict with hosting and our hosting company suggests not to use this plugin. It wasted so many hours in the process and now I need to find another alternative.
4 Novembre 2023
I remember the time when this plugin was partially useless, but today I managed to export all of my posts and images easily and import them to my new installation. So, there was no need for a 3rd party plugin.This is useful for cluttered databases: when you transfer all your posts and images to new installation, then your database will have nothing but posts and images. Light and fast.Bye
6 Ottobre 2023 1 risposta
Good for the main use cases: restore from backup, and moving posts between blogs. Unfortunately the image import doesn’t seem to work (WordPress 6.3 with plugin 0.8.1), which makes it a pain to clean up image-heavy posts. One thing I’d like to do with this that I can’t is to import another copy of a cross-post and merge the comment threads. As it is, the best I can do is import the duplicate copy and then use another plugin (or dig into the database) to move the comments around.
10 Agosto 2023
Needed to copy the content of the old website to the one which is developed from scratch – and it worked!
21 Luglio 2023 1 risposta
I’ve used this just a few times in the past 18 months. And one time it was an incredible, urgent need as there were no server backups available from a web host (not with them anymore). Another time I made a mistake and deleted some comments. Anyway, this is only the 2nd review for this plugin within the past year or so. And I see a lot of negative scored posts. After reading them, I noticed a number of the 1-star reviews seemed to be user error. I’ve been in IT Management, development, and consulting for 4 decades. I use very little custom coding on my sites because, in my past experience, there are far less issues during updates and upgrades. So, with that said, I have also noticed there are a lot of optional settings to decide when using this tool. And many are preselected that I unselect. I recommend taking your time when using this tool and defining your own settings every time you use it. I use about 20 plugins and there’s no interference with any of them. But, I am careful about which plugins I retain. Also, I use this plugin just create backups or to perform restores from them. Then, I uninstall it until I need it again. For example, I’m here today because I’m getting ready to use it again as I’m about to make some major category changes. It will be very handy to use this tool to perform backups (and any needed restores) instead of using a site restore that will reset recent work on posts or pages. I use this as an additional backup and as an archive for all my sites. It’s always saved me when I needed it and I’ve found it to be reliable and solid. It’s been absolutely perfect for me when performing work on tags and categories so I don’t have to use a site restore.
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 310

Contributi e sviluppo

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Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.



  • Update compatibility tested-up-to to WordPress 6.4.2.
  • Update doc URL references.
  • Adjust workflow triggers.


  • Update compatibility tested-up-to to WordPress 6.2.
  • Update paths to build status badges.


  • Update minimum WordPress requirement to 5.2.
  • Update minimum PHP requirement to 5.6.
  • Update compatibility tested-up-to to WordPress 6.1.
  • PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 compatibility fixes.
  • Fix a bug causing blank lines in content to be ignored when using the Regex Parser.
  • Fix a bug resulting in a PHP fatal error when IMPORT_DEBUG is enabled and a category creation error occurs.
  • Improved Unit testing & automated testing.


  • Update minimum WordPress requirement to 3.7 and ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4.
  • Fix bug that caused not importing term meta.
  • Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported meta data.
  • Fix bug that prevented import of serialized meta data.
  • Fix file size check after download of remote files with HTTP compression enabled.
  • Improve accessibility of form fields by adding missing labels.
  • Improve imports for remote file URLs without name and/or extension.
  • Add support for wp:base_blog_url field to allow importing multiple files with WP-CLI.
  • Add support for term meta parsing when using the regular expressions or XML parser.
  • Developers: All PHP classes have been moved into their own files.
  • Developers: Allow to change IMPORT_DEBUG via wp-config.php and change default value to the value of WP_DEBUG.


  • Improve PHP7 compatibility.
  • Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported comments.
  • Fix for various deprecation notices including wp_get_http() and screen_icon().
  • Fix for importing export files with multiline term meta data.


  • Add support for import term metadata.
  • Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported content.
  • Fix bug that caused characters to be stripped inside of CDATA in some cases.
  • Fix PHP notices.



  • Support for WXR 1.2 and multiple CDATA sections
  • Post aren’t duplicates if their post_type’s are different


  • Double check that the uploaded export file exists before processing it. This prevents incorrect error messages when
    an export file is uploaded to a server with bad permissions and WordPress 3.3 or 3.3.1 is being used.


  • Import comment meta (requires export from WordPress 3.2)
  • Minor bugfixes and enhancements


  • Map comment user_id where possible
  • Import attachments from wp:attachment_url
  • Upload attachments to correct directory
  • Remap resized image URLs correctly


  • Use an XML Parser if possible
  • Proper import support for nav menus
  • … and much more, see Trac ticket #15197


  • Initial release