The Best WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin
🆕 The restore option is now included in the free version!
BackWPup is the most comprehensive backup & restore plugin for WordPress.
Easily create a complete WordPress backup, store it on external services (such as Dropbox, S3, FTP, and more) and restore your backup directly from your WordPress admin, in just a few clicks.
BackWPup is designed for ease of use. Even beginners can create a reliable backup of their WordPress sites with just a few clicks. With BackWPup, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your data is safe and secure. Whether you are a small business owner or a large enterprise, BackWPup is the tool you need to protect your WordPress site.
Schedule and Manage Backups Easily
With BackWPup, you have full control over your backup process. You can back up your entire WordPress site, including files and database, save them to multiple locations, and easily restore your site from a backup if anything goes wrong.
You can choose what to back up, how often to perform backups, and where to store them:
* Backup your entire WordPress installation, including the /wp-content/ folder and your database.
* Schedule automatic backups to run daily, weekly, or monthly, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date and secure.
* Store your backup in different locations: Dropbox, S3, FTP, Google Drive, OneDrive, and more, ensuring your data is always secure and accessible.
This flexibility makes BackWPup the best choice for WordPress backup.
Easily Restore Your WordPress Site
Pro version
Restore your site effortlessly from a backup with our one-click restore option. To restore a backup, go to the BackWPup plugin dashboard in your WordPress admin area. Navigate to the ‘Backups’ tab to see a list of your saved backups. Select the backup you wish to restore and click the ‘Restore’ button. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the restoration process. This feature ensures that even in the event of data loss or site issues, you can quickly and efficiently restore your site to its previous state.
Free version
The free version now also includes the restore option. With this option, you can manually restore your Backup Archives. Start by downloading the backup file from your backup list. Then, navigate to the ‘Restore’ menu on the left and drag your backup file there to perform the restoration.
Improve Your Site’s Reliability and Performance
Did you know that regular backups and database maintenance can improve the performance and reliability of your WordPress site? With BackWPup, you can ensure that your data is always protected and that your site is always running smoothly.
By scheduling regular backups and database maintenance, you can avoid data loss and downtime. BackWPup makes it easy to protect your data and keep your site running at its best.
Even Google recommends regular backups and database maintenance to ensure the reliability and performance of your site. With BackWPup, you can follow best practices and keep your site secure and reliable.
What Do Our Users Think Of BackWPup?
Here’s what our users have to say about us after using BackWPup:
“Thanks to the developers for a very handy plugin! I’ve been using it for many years and it has never let me down! Thank you!” — alexeytrusovru >
”Must have for backup. So easy to use and so much feature. You can choose what to backup : files, db, plugin, theme… Then you can choose where to backup like upload to your dropbox.”— zuriiwest>
“Using this for 2 years for 30 sites without any issue, worked perfectly for me!” — hoathuy>
“My favorite backup plugin – use it on many sites. I manage many sites, and this has been my favorite backup plugin for years. It has a number of features that are not available in the free versions of other backup plugins (or at least, not all in the same plugin)
” — syzygist>
Is BackWPup Free?
You can use BackWPup for free with all its basic features. The free version includes complete backup, scheduling, support for external storage services (like Dropbox, S3, FTP, and more) and restore.
The pro version offers many additional features including more settings, destinations and of course access to our premium support. Check out our premium plans:
Who Are We?
We are WP Media, the company behind WP Rocket, the best caching plugin for WordPress.
Our mission is to improve the web. We are making it faster with WP Rocket, lighter with Imagify and safer with BackWPup.
Get In Touch!
- Website:
- Contact Us:
Related Plugins
- WP Rocket: The best performance plugin to speed up your WordPress website.
- Imagify: The best image optimization plugin to speed up your website with lighter images.
- Lazy Load: The best Lazy Load script to reduce the number of HTTP requests and improve the website’s loading time.
- Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: The best plugin to control the WordPress Heartbeat API and reduce CPU usage.
- RocketCDN: The best CDN plugin for WordPress to propel your content at the speed of light – no matter where your users are located in the world.
- Increase Max upload file size: The best plugin to increase the upload file size limit to any value with one click.
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
WordPress Admin Method
Go to you administration area in WordPress
Plugins > Add
Look for
(use search form) -
Click on Install and activate the plugin
FTP Method
Upload the complete
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory -
Attiva il plugin tramite la voce ‘Plugins’ nel menu di WordPress
Pro Version
[You can find a detailed tutorial in the BackWPup documentation]. (
Come posso ripristinare un backup?
Restoring backups made with BackWPup can be done multiple ways. Please take a look at our documentation here to learn more.
I miei processi di backup non sembrano funzionare come pianificato.
BackWPup usa il sistema di cron di WordPress (WP Cron) per eseguire i backup programmati. Per fare in modo che WordPress “sappia” quando eseguire un backup, il suo “orologio interno” necessita di essere impostato regolarmente. Questo avviene ogni volta qualcuno (incluso te stesso) visita il sito.
Se il sito non viene visitato per un certo periodo di tempo, l’orologio interno di WordPress diventa lento. In questo caso serve un cron job lato server per chiamare regolarmente http://your-site.tld/wp-cron.php e dire a WordPress che orario è.Un semplice modo per sapere se WP Cron funziona come dovrebbe nel tuo sito è quello di creare un articolo ed impostare la data di pubblicazione ad un momento nel futuro, ad esempio 10 minuti da adesso. Successivamente chiudi il sito (è importante), torna fra 11 minuti e controlla se il tuo articolo programmato è stato pubblicato. Se non lo è hai un problema con WP Cron.
“ERRORE: Nessuna destinazione selezionata per il backup!”
Questo significa che un processo di backup è iniziato, ma BackWPup sa dove salvare i file di backup. Annulla il processo corrente e modifica la sua configurazione. Dovrebbe esserci una scheda “Su: …” nella pagina di configurazione del processo. Hai impostato correttamente una destinazione per il backup?
Un processo di backup è iniziato, ma sembra che non succeda nulla — nemmeno facendolo ripartire manualmente.
Soluzione #1
- Apri le Impostazioni di BackWPup->
- Vai alla scheda Informazioni.
- Trova Auto Connessione: nella colonna di sinistra.
- Qualcosa come (401) Autorizzazione obbligatoria nella colonna di destra, vai nella scheda Network ed imposta un nome utente e password per l’autenticazione lato server.
- Riprova ad avviare il processo di backup.
Soluzione #2
- Apri wp-config.php e trova la linea che dice
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
. - Da qualche parte prima della linea dove è presente
define( 'WP_TEMP_DIR', '/absolute/path/to/wp/your/temp-dir' );
Soluzione #3
Non proprio una soluzione, ma un modo per identificare i problemi reali: vedi le osservazioni su WP Cron sopra.
Ricevo questo messaggio di errore: `Il test di risposta HTTP riceve il seguente errore “Connessione scaduta”`
BackWPup esegue una semplice richiesta HTTP al server ogni volta che clicchi su
esegui ora
o ognivolta che un backup si avvia automaticamente. Il messaggio HTTP di risposta potrebbe significare:
* Il tuo host non permette connessioni loopback. (Se sai cosaWP_ALTERNATE_CRON
è, provalo).
* La directory principale di WordPress o la directory di backup richiedono autenticazione. Imposta nome utente e password in Impostazioni -> Network.
* Il server non riconosce il proprio hostname.
* Un plugin o un tema stanno bloccando le richieste.
* Altri problemi correlati con la configurazione individuale del server e/o con WordPress. -
Ho ricevuto un errore fatale: `Impossibile creare la cartella: […]/wp-content/backwpup-[…]-logs in […]/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php …`
Imposta i permessi per la directory /wp-content/ su 775 e ricarica la bacheca di BackWPup. Se questo non aiuta, prova i permessi 777. Puoi modificarli nuovamente una volta che BackWPup ha creato la sua cartella.
Quando creo un job la scheda dei File resta bloccata sul caricamento.
Naviga in Impostazioni->Generali e disabilita “Mostra dimensione cartelle nelle tabelle dei file se il processo è modificato”. Calcolare la dimensione delle cartelle può necessitare tempo in siti con molte cartelle.
Ho generato un elenco dei miei plugin installati, ma è difficile da leggere.
Prova aprendo il file di testo con un editor come Notepad++ (Windows) o TextMate (Mac) per mantenere i ritorni a capo.
Il mio host mi ha notificato che BackWPup sta causando un inaccettabile carico sul server!
Vai a Impostazioni-> Processi e prova un’opzione diversa per “Riduci il carico sul server”.
Posso cancellare un processo di backup in esecuzione via FTP?
Si. Naviga nella directory temporanea di BackWPup e cerca il file nominato
dove “xyz” è un testo casuale di numeri e lettere. Cancella il file per cancellare le informazioni sul backup corrente. -
Posso spostare la directory temporanea in una posizione diversa?
Sì. Devi avere accesso in scrittura al file wp-config.php (di solito risiede nella directory root della propria installazione di WordPress).
- Apri wp-config.php e trova la linea che dice
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
. - Da qualche parte prima della linea dove è presente
define( 'WP_TEMP_DIR', '/absolute/path/to/wp/your/temp-dir' );
- Sostituisci
con un percorso assoluto della tua installazione WordPress ela-tua/directory-temporanea
con il percorso alla tua nuova directory temporanea. - Salva il file.
- Apri wp-config.php e trova la linea che dice
Per cosa stanno i segnaposto nei nomi dei file?
- %d = Mesi in formato a due cifre, senza zeri iniziali
- %j = Giorno del mese, senza zeri iniziali
- %m = Giorno del mese, con zeri iniziali
- %n = Formato del mese (senza zeri iniziali)
- %Y = Anno in formato a quattro cifre
- %y = Anno in formato a due cifre
- %a = Ante meridiem (am) e post meridiem (pm) in minuscolo
- %A = Ante meridiem (AM) e post meridiem (PM) in maiuscolo
- %B = Swatch Internet Time
- %g = Ora in formato 12 ore, senza zeri iniziali
- %G = Ora in formato 24 ore, senza zeri iniziali
- %h = Ora in formato 12 ore, con zeri iniziali
- %H = Ora in formato 24 ore, con zeri iniziali
- %i = Minuti in formato a due cifre
- %s = Secondi in formato a due cifre
Contributi e sviluppo
“BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.
Collaboratori“BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin” è stato tradotto in 20 lingue. Grazie ai traduttori per i loro contributi.
Traduci “BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin” nella tua lingua.
Ti interessa lo sviluppo?
Esplora il codice segui il repository SVN, segui il log delle modifiche tramite RSS.
Release date: nov 25, 2024
* Changed : Update dependencies :
** guzzlehttp/guzzle to 7.0
** onedrive-php-sdk to 3.2.0
** microsoft-graph to 1.7.0
Release date: oct 15, 2024
- Changed : Show the Restore feature information notice only for free version users
- Changed : The default format is now .tar
- Fixed : Warnings on the backup script on PHP 8.x when tar format is used
Release date: sept 27, 2024
- Added : Restore feature information notice
- Changed : Upgraded WordPress minimum version to 4.9
- Removed : Remove the EasyCron integration and switch it with WPCron.
- Removed : Remove Database Backup file name & compression options from the UI can be edited via filter (backwpup_generate_dump_filename)
- Fixed : Conflict with WP Hotel Booking from ThimPress
- Changed : Add the default exclude files in a filter. (backwpup_file_exclude)
- Fixed : Use wp translation
Release date: jul 22, 2024
- Ehanced: Store the review notice dismiss as an option
- Fixed: Hide the evaluate notice using css
- Removed: Remove the “Compression” option in Settings > Logs
** Disabled by default, can be enabled with a filter (backwpup_gz_logs) - Fixed: Check if the third parties constants are defined before using them
Release date: Jul 05, 2024
- Changed: Upgraded minimum version to PHP 7.4
- Fixed: Evaluate notice doesn’t dismiss
- Removed: General tab on settings page
** Admin bar: enabled by default, can be disabled with a filter (backwpup_is_in_admin_bar)
** Folder sizes: disabled by default, can be enabled with a filter (backwpup_show_folder_size)
** Protect folders: we protect your folders by default can be disabled with a filter (backwpup_protect_folders)
** Plugin data: we delete all plugin data after its delation by default - Fixed: Fix S3 uploads over 5 Gb
Release date: Jun 27, 2024
- Fixed: Open_basedir restriction on some servers
- Added: Notice to ask users their experience with BackWpUp
Release date: Jun 18, 2024
- Changed: AutoExclude the cache plugin folders from the backup
- Fixed: Problems with the sql dump of the database
- Fixed: Update phpseclib library to fix issues in Windows environment.
Release date: Jun 4, 2024
- Changed: Add Restore to the free version
- Fixed: Improved checking of encrypted archives
- Added (pro): decryption and encryption with WP-CLI of archives
- Fixed (pro): Problems with Asymmetric encryption on restarts
Release date: May 21, 2024
- Fixed (pro): Gdrive oAuth authentication flow
Release date: March 12, 2024
- Fixed: Changed directory structure of BackWPup temporary files to prevent unauthorized access of database backup.
Release date: February 22, 2024
- Fixed: Security issue where FTP passwords were stored in the database in plaintext.
Release date: November 22, 2023
- Fixed: Disallow backups or logs directories from being outside of wp-content directory for security purposes
Release date: October 18, 2023
- Changed (pro): Clarified instructions in the “Path to mysqldump file” field
- Changed: Upgraded minimum version to PHP 7.2.5
- Fixed (pro): Restoring a compressed database backup resulted in a “Could not get size of SQL file” error
- Fixed (pro): 500 error in Restore app, due to missing dependencies
- Fixed (pro): Escaped previously unescaped SQL query
- Fixed (pro): Security issue regarding location of restore files
- Fixed (pro): PHP warning when configuring a wizard with the glacier destination
- Fixed: Missing nonce validation on certain AJAX endpoints
- Fixed: Escaping for values on log output
- Fixed: Escaping of sendmail command
- Fixed: Corrected an invalid URL in the documentation link found in the plugin overview
- Fixed: Various deprecation notices on PHP 8.0+
- Fixed: Issue where webp thumbnail images were not excluded despite enabling the “Don’t backup thumbnails from the site’s uploads folder” option
- Fixed: Ensure validation of logfile parameter during job run
Release Date: November 16, 2022
- Added: Support for additional S3 storage classes
- Added: Support for Glacier Instant Retrieval
- Added: Created backwpup_ftp_use_passive_address filter for when FTP is behind NAT
- Added: Support for object lock in S3 by adding Content-MD5 header
- Added (pro): Include unique IV when encrypting archives
- Added (pro): Default character set fetched from alternative database credentials
- Changed: Upgraded minimum version to PHP 7.2
- Changed (pro): Upgraded Google Drive SDK to V3
- Fixed: Better support for PHP 8
- Fixed: PHP warning when backing up to S3 destination
- Fixed: Unable to download from S3 when using predefined region
- Fixed: Unable to download from SugarSync
- Fixed: Backups downloaded twice from MS Azure
- Fixed: wp-config.php backed up twice when parent folder is included in backup
- Fixed: Text fields too long on SugarSync destination settings
- Fixed: Dropbox runs out of memory when more than 50 files in folder
- Fixed (pro): Authentication of OneDrive when HTTP_REFERER not set.
- Fixed (pro): Displayed creation date of OneDrive backups was incorrect
- Fixed (pro): Disabled mysqldump radio button when binary cannot be found
- Fixed (pro): HiDrive does not detect when refresh token expires
- Removed: Unnecessary AWS and Google library files to save on package size.
Version 3.10.0
Release Date: September 1, 2021
- Added: Support for Dropbox short-lived access tokens
- Fixed (pro): Prevent out of memory error on HiDrive backups
- Fixed (pro): Small files uploaded twice to HiDrive
- Fixed (pro): Fatal error on plugin update if $transient is null
- Fixed (pro): Restore of stored functions, procedures, and triggers
- Fixed: Export of stored functions, procedures, and triggers including delimiters
- Fixed: Support emojis and other 4-byte characters in database dump
- Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation notice in XML export
Version 3.9.0
Release Date: June 14, 2021
- Added (pro): Migrate website to another URL
- Added (pro): Validation for database credentials on restore
- Added: PHP notice for outdated PHP versions less than 7.2
- Fixed (pro): License deactivated on settings save
- Fixed (pro): Corrupted path name in Google Drive destination
- Fixed (pro): Unable to download backup from Google Drive
- Fixed: Unable to connect to custom S3 endpoints
- Fixed: Intermittent error selecting restore strategy
- Fixed: Memory leaks when uploading to S3
- Fixed: PHP 7.4 Deprecation notices
- Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility issues
- Fixed: Remove BackWPup user roles on uninstall in multisite
- Fixed: Correctly handle relative upload paths
- Fixed: Display welcome page even after consent dialog clicked
- Fixed: Exclude non backup files from the backups page
- Fixed: Format dates as ISO-formatted dates instead of binary hex in MySQL backup
- Fixed: Don’t pre-fill database credentials when backing up non-WordPress database
- Fixed: Description of replacement patterns for archive name
- Fixed: Added missing destinations to destination list in about page
- Fixed: Made BackWPup banner local
- Removed: Phone home client
- Removed: Remote admin notices
Version 3.8.0
Release Date: September 21, 2020
- Added: OneDrive destination for Pro version
- Added: HiDrive destination for Pro version
- Added: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
- Added: PHP 7.4 compatibility
- Added: Option to keep BackWPUp data after plugin uninstall
- Added: More default excluded folders and files for BackWPUp
- Fixed: Custom S3 destination return error after Amazon library update
- Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: dbdumpdbcharset
- Fixed: Cannot use variables for the xml file name
- Fixed: Deprecated: Non-static method BackWPup_Admin::admin_css() should not be called statically
- Fixed: Prevent click on overlay disable backup download process
- Fixed: BackWPUp redirects even in the CLI environment
Version 3.7.1
Release Date: March 30, 2020
- Fixed: Error Notices CSS is loaded on all pages and overwrite the color of other plugins notices
- Updated: (Pro) License system update for premium version
Version 3.7.0
Release Date: Nov 27, 2019
- Updated: Raise the minimum PHP version required by BWU to 5.6
- Updated: Microsoft Azure Storage Blob PHP Client Library
- Fixed: S3 custom url not used for bucket selection
- Fixed: S3 malformed error message when authentication credentials are wrong
- Fixed: S3 selecting an invalid service raise no error
- Fixed: Rackspace uses old cacert.pem file
- Fixed: Log page not correcty sorted
- Added: Option to enable or disable the phone home client
Version 3.6.10
Release Date: Jul 8, 2019
- Fixed: Azure Supports https on uploading
- Fixed: Auto remove old backup files not working when archive file name have prefix “backwpup”
- Added: Filter to extend list of S3 destinations
- Removed: S3 multipart upload checkbox, now in destination definition
- Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for S3 services, now PHP 5.5+ is needed
- Added: Filter to extend list of Glacier destinations (Pro version)
- Updated: Amazon AWS SDK for Glacier, now PHP 5.5+ is needed (Pro version)
Version 3.6.9
Release Date: May 7, 2019
- Fixed: Google Drive destination automatically remove old backup files
- Fixed: Do not expose destination data within the manifest file
- Fixed: Update Dropbox Tokens
- Fixed: Restore error: MIME returns html instead of event stream
- Fixed: Log files name are predictable because of weak hash
- Fixed: ZipArchive doesn’t fallback to PclZip in Restore
- Fixed: Session already started could cause issues during ajax calls
- Fixed: Wrong vendor include path for PEAR using MS Azure
- Fixed: Decryption Key prompt when any error occur during the first step of a Restore
- Fixed: Phone home client notice and php 5 issue with php short echo tag
- Fixed: mime_content_type function may not exists prevent backup decryption
- Improve: Restore Log and produce report for user feedback
- Changed: License changed to GPLv2+
Version 3.6.8
Release Date: Feb 25, 2019
- Fixed: Typos in settings job page
- Fixed: Rest API admin note language doesn’t change when changing user language
Version 3.6.7
Release Date: Jan 22, 2019
- Fixed: More margin to dashboard footer to avoid save button unclickable
- Fixed: On folder sync destination folder is not created
- Fixed: Encryption option should not be displayed for syncing job
- Fixed: Restore stuck on file restore step because of file permission issue
- Fixed: “Do not delete files while syncing to destination!” not working
- Tweak: Increase PHP Version from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3
- Tweak: Encryption Settings description and ui improvements
- Tweak: On restore error, include
file along with the log when user download the restore log file - Tweak: Lock server to execute same task multiple time when one is already in progress
Version 3.6.6
Release Date: Nov 28, 2018
- Fixed: Files could be excluded from the backup because of incorrect string comparison
Version 3.6.5
Release Date: Nov 23, 2018
- Fixed: Admin notice won’t update correctly
Version 3.6.4
Release Date: Nov 22, 2018
- Fixed: Encrypted backup must force users to download the encryption keys
- Fixed: Warning mime type when a backup is going to be downloaded
- Fixed: Admin Notice in free version is sometimes empty
- Fixed: Random restore error about SQL syntax when restoring a database
- Fixed: Exclude restore directories to be copied during a restore phase
- Fixed: Standalone App has no encryption support
- Fixed: Open basedir, backup dir is not within the allowed path
- Fixed: Unable to download backup file because of mime_content_type function missing in some environment
- Tweak: Encryption Settings UI
- Tweak: Minor translations issues
- Tweak: Remove languages files from the free version, the plugin will use
Version 3.6.3
Data di Rilascio: Nov, 5, 2018
- Fixed: “Failed to restore file”: file restore progress stop working and jump directly to database restore step
- Fixed: Restore progress stuck on “restoring database” with archive backup contains files only
- Fixed: All config.php files are not in backup archive
Version 3.6.2
Data di Rilascio: Oct, 17, 2018
- Fixed: Not recognized file extensions get an additional underscore in the file name in zip file
- Fixed: Backup archive file have dot folder contains all web root files
- Fixed: Ftp destination downloader repetitively open a new handler for the source file causing corrupted backup
Version 3.6.1
Release Date: Sep 25, 2018
- Fixed: Backup doesn’t handle special characters correctly
- Fixed: Use of function that doesn’t exists prior to 4.9
- Fixed: Class bryter/helpers/csrf/CSRF.php was not loaded
- Fixed: Backup don’t override old database file in web root
- Fixed: Restore Folder backup won’t download the backup file
- Fixed: Function
not exists, the one isis_backup_archive
- Fixed: Some settings page and license api manager strings are missing translation
- Fixed: Incompatibility with php 5.3 in destination folder downloader
- Fixed: fatal error on Amazon Glacier because of an undefined function
- Fixed: Ensure extra files are not overwritten
- Fixed: Cannot delete woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table
- Fixed: Incompatibility with php 5.3 in the restore process
Version 3.6.0
Release Date: June 14, 2018
- Added: Pro Feature – Encrypt before sending backups to the cloud
- Fixed: Handling of special Amazon S3 regions such as Google Storage
- Fixed: Downloading of large files encountered PHP memory error
- Improved: Delete pro-only scss files in free version
- Fixed: Version constraints of composer dependencies
- Fixed: Localized strings from restore
- Fixed: Deleting FTP backup resulted in error
- Fixed: openssl_encrypt compatibility with PHP 5.3
Version 3.5.1
Release Date: May 23, 2018
- Fixed: call to a member function close() on null
- Fixed: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array
- Fixed: Can’t use function return value in write context
- Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 5.3
- Fixed: Decreased size of plugin by purging unneeded files
Version 3.5.0
Release Date: May 16, 2018
- Added: Restore for pro version
- Fixed: stylesheet was being included on frontend